Bi Monthly Meeting
Dear Councillors and all members of the community
You are hereby invited to attend the next Parish Council Meeting which has been arranged for Tuesday 10th July 2018, at 7.30pm in the Annexe, Corse and Staunton Village Hall.
Grace Millar
Clerk to Staunton Parish Council
Date: 03/07/18
1. Chairman’s welcome
2. Receive apologies
3. Receive Declarations of Interest concerning agenda items
4. To confirm the minutes from:
· Tuesday 8th May: Bi-Monthly Meeting
· Tuesday 8th May: Annual General Meeting
5. Post Office – (Vice Chairman):
An update to be given on the current status of the Post Office in Staunton and letters sent to Mark Harper MP.
6. War Memorial - (Chairman):
a) Council to approve the purchase of a ‘There But Not There’ 6ft aluminium Tommy figure.
b) Council to approve the location in which the ‘There But Not There’ figure shall be placed.
c) Council to discuss the circulation of the ‘There But Not There’ figure to other locations within Staunton.
7. Quiz – (Chairman):
A summary of the last quiz to be given and to discuss plans for future quiz nights.
8. Highways – (Vice Chairman):
Council to discuss the outcome of a recent site meeting with Andrew Middlecote and any possible actions that need to be taken.
9. Severn Trent – (Clerk):
An update to be given regarding Severn Trent’s recent work to replace the missing drain cover at Freedom Close.
10. Additional Maintenance Work – (Vice Chairman):
Council to approve additional work for Stan Cotten, on a permanent basis. The maintenance of the area around the gate to the War Memorial pathway and the area surrounding Mike Bradbury’s Memorial Bench.
11. Pathway between Prince Crescent and Chartist Way – (Chairman):
Council to discuss a resident’s pathway dispute.
12. Staunton and Corse Patients Group – (Cllr Peach):
Council to receive Cllr Peach’s report from the last Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group meeting.
13. Finance – (Clerk):
To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 21st April 2018.
14. Planning – (Clerk):
To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements.
15. Any Other Business & Public Participation
Date of next meeting – Tuesday 11th September 2018
Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of its function: Equal opportunities (race gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability), crime & disorder, health & safety & human rights.