When submitting comments in relation to a planning application, only the following points WILL BE considered and SHOULD BE commented on:
The effect on neighbours’ daylight, sunlight, or privacy
The impact of traffic, road access, highway safety and parking
The appearance, bulk, or height of the scheme
The impact on amenity, such as noise generated by the proposal
The potential loss of a valued local service or use, such as a shop
The effect on wildlife, listed buildings and heritage and trees
The following points SHOULD NOT be commented on as they WILL NOT be considered:
·The effect on property values
Private issues between neighbours such as land covenants, land, and boundary disputes
Competition between rival businesses
Party wall disputes and fire escape matters
Loss of a private view
To submit comments regarding planning application/s:
1. Via website - https://publicaccess.fdean.gov.uk/online-applications/ (please note a login is required)
2. Via email - planning@fdean.gov.uk
3. In writing - Forest of Dean District Council, Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, Glos, GL16 8HG