Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 10th July 2018
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; B. Allen, J. Millar, A. Fardon, M. Fuller, D. Peach, D. Williams, E. Bradbury, W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Allen welcomed all present.
2. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Norman Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative).
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8th May 2018
The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting and the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8th May 2018 were proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Williams to be accepted as a true record.
5. Post Office
Cllr Millar updated all on the current status of the closed Post Office in Staunton, reporting that there has been no progress since our last Bi-Monthly meeting on 8th May 2018.
Cllr Millar told of Staunton Parish Council’s letters to Mark Harper MP which are yet to generate any action.
6. War Memorial
a) All Councillors approved the purchase of a ‘There But Not There’ 6ft aluminium Tommy figure. This was proposed by Cllr Peach and seconded by Cllr Williams.
b) All Councillors have agreed that Cllr Allen shall contact all once the ‘There But Not There’ figure is in place, this will then give all Councillors a better opportunity to share their views and give their approval of the location.
c) Cllr Allen suggested that the ‘There But Not There’ figure should be circulated around the village to such places as Staunton and Corse C of E Academy.
Cllr Fuller has agreed to communicate with the Academy on behalf of Staunton Parish Council regarding this proposal.
7. Quiz
Cllr Allen informed all that £240 was raised at our last quiz night, meaning that Staunton Parish Council now has £1,100 raised to be spent on our current War Memorial restoration project.
Cllr Fuller stated that the new manager of The Swan in Staunton has now taken over, and that they are happy for Staunton Parish Council to continue running quiz nights.
Also, Alitia, wife of Anthony Klee who previously managed The Swan, has kindly offered to continue making a cake as a raffle prize!
8. Highways
Cllr Millar explained that she and Cllr Allen recently had a site meeting with Andrew Middlecote, our local Highways Manager. During this meeting Cllr Allen and Cllr Millar expressed common concerns over the stretch of the A417 that runs alongside the BP garage in Corse. The installation of double white lines, an additional pole for Staunton Parish Council’s speed sign or the installation of a second speed sign were discussed as possible measures that could be taken to improve the situation.
County Councillor, Will Windsor-Clive proposed that he will split the cost of a new post for Staunton Parish Council’s current speed sign with Highways upon their agreement.
Cllr Millar also explained the ongoing issues that are occurring at the mini roundabout in Staunton and provided a number of suggestions for improvement.
County Councillor, Will Windsor-Clive has agreed to follow up all the above-mentioned issues.
9. Severn Trent
Cllr Bradbury noted that the drain cover is yet to be replaced. The Clerk to follow this up with Severn Trent and get the relevant works rearranged.
10.Additional Maintenance Work
Cllr Millar outlined the planned additional work for Stan Cotten. All Councillors approved of the proposal and for Stan Cotton to undertake this work on a permanent basis.
11.Pathway between Prince Crescent and Chartist Way
Parishioner, Sue Jeffries was invited by Cllr Allen to explain the situation.
After all Councillors discussed the issue Cllr Allen has asked the Clerk to write to Gloucestershire County Council in order to establish the legal owner of the footpath concerned.
Upon establishing this, Staunton Parish Council will contact the owner to arrange a regular maintenance routine of the footpath.
12.Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group
Staunton and Corse PPG: Meeting Dated 4th July 2018
The meeting was attended by only four members of the group, plus two professional representatives from the surgery. The low numbers were partly due to illness, but one member, David Bubb, had stepped down and would no longer attend or compose the quarterly newsletter. David’s role will be taken over by Donald Peach.
The PPG has frequently invited parishioners to join the Group, but new recruits are hard to find. We would particularly like to see more representation from the younger age groups, perhaps even a representative from the student population at Hartpury College. If you are reading this and you are under sixty years of age, we really would like to hear from you if you think you might have the time to join our meetings.
There was some discussion around the aims of the PPG and in particular social activities for the lonely, elderly and dementia sufferers. The Village Hall has many group activities, but it was thought that consideration should be given to forming a Singing Group and a Dementia Café. There was no real conclusion as to how this might be managed, but again any suggestions or volunteer organisers would be warmly welcomed.
Surgery News:
The surgery has recently undergone a number of staff changes; there is a new nurse and a health care assistant in post and advertisements are ongoing for a receptionist.
There have been requests for photographs and names of all staff members to be displayed to patients. The surgery explained that there have been some challenges as far as this is concerned, but would like to let it be known that the Surgery Website will contain staff details – name and role, in the near future. Anyone not using the internet is invited to contact either the surgery or a member of the PPG and they will provide paper copy.
The flue vaccines are to be made ready in time for the usual October clinic, although dates are yet to be announced. Things will be complicated by the fact that there are two vaccines engineered for two different age groups. This is yet to be confirmed, but there will probably be the usual village hall clinic for the over sixty fives and a Saturday morning clinic, by appointment, for the under sixty five age group.
The online patient access system EMISS has undergone a change and ‘logging in’ will present you with a new platform. This may be a bit challenging as many do not find it as patient friendly as the previous one. Difficulties in ‘logging in’ have been reported and if you do experience problems, please contact reception and they will either issue you with new details, or they may be able to sort out the problem with your existing details.
The surgery is continuing to issue Monday and Wednesday appointments until 8.00pm. They will shortly be undertaking another patient survey in order to compare performance with patient expectation, the aim being to make changes where necessary, in order to continue to provide the excellent service that the majority of us receive.
Finally, the forty to seventy age group who are not regulars at the surgery, will be receiving invitations to attend for the NHS Health Check.
Donald Peach. 4th July 2018.
13.Finance – *Cllr Fuller left the meeting due to other commitments at 8:15pm*
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 21/04/18 - 28/06/18
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £8,502.32
Payments in Period
07/03/2018 000788. To correct unpresented cheque no. 000769 for purchase of poppy wreath £25.00
06/05/2018. 000791 To correct the underpayment of Clerk's April Expenses £0.50
06/05/2018 000792 Clerk's Salary for May and Backpay for April 2018 £175.82
06/05/2018 000793 Clerk's Expenses for May and Stationary £67.67
06/05/2018 000794 Payment by Chairman out of expenses for additional work by Clerk £50.00
09/05/2018 000795 Half Costs for Noticeboard Insurance and Website Fees £15.05
09/05/2018 000796 Being a Good Councillor' Training Course £95.00
13/05/2018 000797 Parish Council Insurance £257.60
14/05/2018 000798 Clerk Registration with SLCC for CiLCA Course £250.00
06/06/2018 000799 Clerk's Salary for June £168.30
06/06/2018 000800. Clerk's Expenses for June £21.67
06/06/2018 000801 Internal Audit Fees £75.00
06/06/2018. 000802 Donation to 1st Staunton & Corse Brownies £100.00
06/06/2018. 000803 Donation to Corse & Staunton Scouts £100.00
06/06/2018 000804 Donation to Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields of Corse & Staunton £450.00
06/06/2018. 000805 Donation to Corse & Staunton Village Hall £200.00
06/06/2018. 000806 Donation to PCC St James' Church Staunton £250.00
06/06/2018 000807 Donation to SCATS £100.00
09/06/2018 000808 Purchase of 6' Tommy Soldier for War Memorial Project £776.30
Total Payments in Period £3,177.91
Receipts in Period
Total Payments in Period £0.00
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Accounted For: £5,324.41
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period
07/03/2018 000788 To correct unpresented cheque no. 000769 for purchase of poppy wreath £25.00
06/06/2018. 000803 Donation to Corse & Staunton Scouts £100.00
06/06/2018. 000807 Donation to SCATS £100.00
Total Payments in Period £225.00
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries £5,549.41
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 28/06/18 £5,549.41
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement
06/07/2018. 000809 Clerk's Salary for July £168.30
06/07/2018. 000810 Clerk's Expenses for July £21.67
Total £189.97
Balance After ALL Payments Clear £5,134.44
Discharge of Conditions 04 (Roof materials) and 05 (External boarding for the barns) of planning permission P1922/17/FUL and Listed Building Consent P1183/17/LBC - Brandon Moat Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QG
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Change of use of land for equestrian purposes, construction of manege and erection of stable block with associated post, rail fencing and works - The Cottage Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated works. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. (Re-submission) - Little Brierley Farm Birchlas Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QT
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission P1871/15/OUT for the erection of 27 dwellings - Land Off Chartist Way Staunton Gloucestershire
Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE DISCUSSED
Cllr Millar explained that Staunton Parish Council has an extension to submit comments concerning planning application P0848/18/APP until the first week in August. This has been agreed with Case Officer, Tony Pope.
Cllr Allen also read correspondence from Tony Pope concerning this planning application, that provided further information regarding the orientation of plots 19-20 and 21-22, the depth of landscaping between the Prince Crescent boundary and the building boundary as well as affordable housing cluster regulations.
15.Any Other Business & Public Participation
In his absence, Cllr Allen read a message provided by Cllr Fuller. It stated concerns over noise nuisance occurring on the land at Chartist Way that surrounds the children’s play area, when dogs are walked there.
The Clerk shall contact the Forest of Dean District Council regarding the possibility of installing signage to help prevent this.
Cllr Allen gave an update on the planned additional tablets to be installed at the War Memorial. He showed the planned design to all in attendance. There are currently 22 names to be added to these tablets, with the backs being left blank should there be any additional names discovered in the future.
Cllr Williams shall be providing and confirming all details to be added to the tablets in due course, with Cllr Allen and Cllr Millar signing and dating to confirm the final version of the details.
All Councillors agreed the purchase of 2 Cornish granite tablets to be installed at the War Memorial, listing 22 names of the fallen from both World Wars and who were omitted when the original War Memorial was installed.
County Councillor, Will Windsor-Clive also gave a brief update.
He told all of the Gloucestershire Chief Fire Officer’s recent resignation, and of the issues we currently have with child protection within the county.
The meeting finished at 8:53pm
Signed: Date: