Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 11th September 2018

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; B. Allen, J. Millar, M. Fuller, D. Williams, E. Bradbury, G. Millar (Clerk) and 12 Parishioners.

1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Allen welcomed all present.


2.    Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Peach, Cllr Fardon and Norman Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative).


3.    Declarations of Interest

None declared.


4.    To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 10th July 2018

The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 10th July 2018 were proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Fuller to be accepted as a true record.


5.    Matters Arising

Severn TrentCllr Millar explained that works to replace the missing drain cover on O’Connor Close have been completed.


Public Footpath 32Cllr Allen explained the ownership rights of the footpath concerned, and that the footpath has now been cleared. He also informed all that Highways has cleaned existing signage and installed new signs where required.


6.   Post Office

Cllr Millar outlined to all the recent emails received from Neil Jenkins, the Network Operations Manager for the Post Office in the South West. It has now been announced that there is a Postmaster vacancy at Staunton Post Office.


7.    Quiz

Cllr Allen stated that the next quiz night will be held on Wednesday 19th September and welcomes any raffle prize donations and welcomes all to come along!


8.    Highways

Cllr Millar explained that she and Cllr Allen had a site visit with Highways on Wednesday 23rd May 2018.


Recent correspondence from Andrew Middlecote (Local Highways Manager), outlining his views on Staunton Parish Council’s proposed road safety improvement measures was then discussed. 

Cllr Millar stated that a new post is being ordered to be installed along the A417 near to the BP Garage in Corse. However, all other measures are to be further discussed.


9.    Village Gateways

Cllr Allen outlined Staunton Parish Council’s plans to install a pair of Village Gateways along the A417 as you approach the Staunton Court bend. He also expressed our hope that Corse Parish Council will replicate this measure upon entering Corse.

Money raised from Staunton Parish Council quiz nights will help to cover the cost of the Village Gateways.


The purchase of the two gates was approved by all Councillors and was proposed by Cllr Millar and seconded by Cllr Bradbury.


10.Staunton and Corse Patients Group

Staunton and Corse Surgery PPG News: September 5th 2018

1. The Staunton Practice announced the results of their recent survey and did very well. In all but two areas they exceed the national average, scoring 91% overall, whereas the local Clinical Commissioning Group average was 89% and the National Average was 84%.  The two areas where they did not perform so well were with regard to a) Patients usually get to see or speak to their preferred GP when they would like to; scoring only 52% as opposed to the local CCG score of 57%. b) Patients felt the healthcare professional recognised or understood any mental health needs during their last general practice appointment; scoring 88% versus 90% for the local CCG.  I think it is worth reporting this, as a few parishioners' at the Corse meeting were very vocal on what they thought was a very poor performance by the practice, stating they had to wait six weeks for an appointment. Personally, if I have wanted to see a particular doctor I might have had to wait two weeks for an appointment, but I have always got an appointment to see a doctor within one or two days. When it is really urgent I have seen a doctor within two or three hours, or had a telephone call back from a doctor.

2. Flu clinics: The Surgery have informed us that there is a separate vaccine for the over 65s compared to the under 65's and the vaccines are being delivered in batches which requires a change to the usual timetabling. They will be offering appointments from 4.30 – 7.30pm at the surgery on the afternoons of 17th and 24th October; these can be booked in advance by any eligible patient. The Village Hall Clinic has been booked for the afternoon of Thursday 15th November, 1.30 – 6.30pm, no appointment needed. As usual the vaccine is free to all eligible patients and so there is no need to take up offers from surrounding pharmacies.

3. The use of Pharmacy2U was questioned by the PPG Team. Pharmacy2U is not an NHS operation and has been severely criticised by the pharmaceutical regulatory bodies for underperformance. They deliver medicines by post and this has resulted in as much as a six week delay in patients receiving their medicines. The Staunton Practice has its own delivery service provided by staff drivers and this is a door-to-door face-to-face delivery. It is a very secure process and the drivers are able to monitor patients’ receipt of medicines and may pick up on general health issues that some patients may have on managing their day to day life. Pharmacy2U is not recommended by the Practice, particularly in light of the poor delivery service they provide.

4. Staff changes. As many will already know Sarah Bryant is now firmly in post as Practice Manager and is having an effect on the day to day management of the practice and the patient interface. The Practice also welcomes a new GP Registrar or ST3, Dr. Pius Rasiaya and will also introduce another ST3 so as to have replaced both Dr’s Boxall and Rouke who left after finishing their training in August.

5. The extended hours service provided at Staunton and Corse surgery is in operation on Mondays and Wednesdays until 7.30pm. There is also a Saturday morning service available at Tewkesbury. All appointments are by pre-booking.

6. There is still a real shortage of PPG members. Little progress has been made in encouraging a younger representative from Hartpury College and older members, perhaps with a young family, are also not stepping forward to volunteer. We really do need to be able to have sufficient members to act as a voice for adequate liaison between the Practice and its patients.

7. There were a number of questions from patients via the PPG suggestion box:

a) What will happen to our supply of medicines in the event of a no deal BREXIT? The answer was that medicines will continue to be supplied to patients, but may be from a different manufacturer. What is referred to as the Proprietary Brand may look different to that which you are used to, but will have the same therapeutic effect. The NHS has plans in place to ensure the continued supply of medicines through our surgery prescriptions.

b) Arrangement of the surgery entrance is awkward – could automatic doors be installed? The reply was that the practice is looking in to some alterations which will include two extra clinical rooms. It is possible that we may see some accessibility changes in the building itself in the near future.

c) A patient commented that the printing of paper prescription receipts that the patient takes away with their prescriptions’ is wasteful and asked why it was done.  The reply was that it was all to do with the process of stock control and payments, so at the moment would continue.

d) The final patient query concerned the previous Village Agent and Social Prescribing roles. They complained that what was an efficient and welcome service had been replaced by Community Wellbeing which was not so well received or as effective. Just to reiterate, contact can be made with the service, via your GP, but you can also contact them directly if you prefer. Confidential help is available by phone: call 01594 812447 or 01594 812399. The Community Wellbeing website provides a link for email contact at where further information on services is available.

Next meeting is on Wednesday 7th November 2018.



 Financial Report: Payments & Receipts  29/06/18 - 29/08/18

Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation:£5,549.41

Payments in Period
07/03/2018 000788. To correct unpresented cheque no. 000769 for purchase of poppy wreath    £25.00  

06/06/2018. 000803. Donation to Corse & Staunton Scouts   £100.00  

06/06/2018. 000807. Donation to SCATS   £100.00  

06/07/2018. 000809. Clerk's Salary for July   £168.30  

06/07/2018. 000810. Clerk's Expenses for July   £21.67 

16/07/2018 000811 Half Costs of Joint Website   £6.28  

06/08/2018. 000812. Clerk's Salary for August   £168.30  

06/08/2018. 000813 Clerk's Expenses for August and Stationary    £32.69  

06/08/2018 000814 Half Costs of Joint Website   £4.21            

Total Payments in Period   £626.45          

Receipts in Period
09/07/2018  VAT Reclaim for 6' Tommy Soldier for War Memorial Project    £125.00           

Total Payments in Period   £125.00          

Balance After All Payments & Receipts Accounted For: £5,047.96

Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period
07/03/2018. 000788 To correct unpresented cheque no. 000769 for purchase of poppy wreath    £25.00           

Total   £25.00         

Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries £5,072.96

Statement of Account

Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 29/08/18 £5,072.96

Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement              
06/09/2018. 000815. Clerk's Expenses for September   £21.67  

06/09/2018. 000816. Clerk's Salary for September    £168.30  

06/09/2018. 000817. Purchase of Stationary for Chairman    £91.16            

Total   £281.13                             

Balance After ALL Payments Clear  £4,766.83                   

This bank reconciliation was approved by all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Bradbury and seconded by Cllr Millar.


12.          Planning

*Cllr Fuller left the meeting due to other commitments at 8:15pm and did not take part in the vote*

                        Cllr Millar read the following report:


Change of use of land for equestrian purposes, construction of manege and erection of stable block with associated post, rail fencing and works - The Cottage Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated works. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. (Re-submission) - Little Brierley Farm Birchlas Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QT

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission P1871/15/OUT for the erection of 27 dwellings - Land Off Chartist Way, Staunton Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Erection of a single storey extension plus extension to existing dwelling to enlarge utility room and replacement of roof with associated works – Brook Farm, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Discharge of conditions 03 (render sample panel), 06 (details of eaves, verge and ridges), 07

(details of windows, doors, door cases, architraves, skirting and fireplaces) and 08 (scaled

plans of eaves, verge, ridges and rainwater goods) of planning permission P1923/17/LBC – Brandon, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Erection of single storey side extension – Ashcroft, Malvern Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Outline application, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of existing buildings and the

erection of up to 31 dwelling units (and the carrying out of associated works) - Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucester Road, Corse, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - (TO BE DISCUSSED)



Cllr Allen then discussed planning application P1232/18/OUT, citing numerous extracts of correspondence between David Haigh, Conservation Adviser and Mark Stringer, Planning Officer.

He also cited a Forest of Dean District Council internal assessment concerning P1232/18/OUT, which ultimately ‘recommended’ objection to this planning application.

These documents can be found via the Forest of Dean District Council’s website.

A vote was then taken amongst the Parishioners in attendance. This resulted in 0 being in favour of P1232/18/OUT.

After discussion, Cllr Allen suggested that Staunton Parish Council should object to this planning application, in order to protect our Chartist Settlement. Cllr Bradbury also noted concerns over the ability of Staunton and Corse Surgery and Staunton and Corse C of E Academy to enrol the inevitable large numbers of additional patients/pupils should this large planning application be approved.

A vote was then taken amongst all Councillors in attendance. The result showed 0 in favour of P1232/18/OUT.

Cllr Allen then read a report on behalf of Cllr Peach which outlined the views of Corse Parish Council with respect to P1232/18/OUT and P1143/18/FUL.

13.          Any Other Business

Cllr Millar provided an update on the War Memorial restoration project. The two new granite tablets will be in place by the end of October 2018, along with our Tommy ‘There But Not There’ figure.

Cllr Allen said he shall be installing the Tommy figure this week and will give all Councillors two weeks to approve the Tommy figure’s location.


14.          Public Participation

No items were raised.


The meeting finished at 9:05pm


Signed:                                                                            Date: