Bi Monthly Meeting

Dear Councillors and all members of the community

You are hereby invited to attend the next Parish Council Meeting which has been arranged for Tuesday 12thJanuary 2021, at 7.30 pm. Due to current restrictions on public gatherings this meeting will be held on Zoom. Please contact the Clerk at if you wish to attend and joining details will be provided. 

Grace Millar

Clerk to Staunton Parish Council

Date: 05/01/21



1.     Chairman’s welcome.


2.      Receive apologies.


3.      Receive Declarations of Interest concerning agenda items.


4.     To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings, held on Tuesday 10th November 2020.


5.     Matters Arising:


·      Council to receive an update regarding the recent virtual quiz night and raffle to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. 


6.     County Councillor Report:

Council to receive a report from County Councillor, Will Windsor – Clive. 


7.     District Councillor Report:

Council to receive a report from District Councillor Philip Burford. 


8.     District Councillor Report:

Council to receive a report from District Councillor Brian Lewis. 


9.     2021/2022 Budget – (Cllr Millar):

Council to approve Staunton Parish Council’s budget for 2021/2022. 


10.  2021/2022 Precept – (Cllr Millar):

Council to discuss and agree a precept figure for submission to the Forest of Dean District Council. 


11.  Local Plan Consultation – (Cllr Millar):

Council to discuss and submit any comments.  


12.  Flooding – (Cllr Fuller/Cllr Williams):

·      An update to be provided regarding the A417 flooding relief campaign. 

·      Council to discuss recent flooding issues.  


13.  Finance – (Clerk/Cllr Williams):

·      To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 13th October 2020.

·      To report the findings of an internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records.


14.  Planning – (Cllr Millar):

To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements. 


15.  Any other business


16.  Public participation 


Date of next bi-monthly meeting– Tuesday 9th March 2021

Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of its function: Equal opportunities (race gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability), crime & disorder, health & safety & human rights.