Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2022
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, B. Allen, M. Fuller, D. Peach, D. Williams, J. Capper, P. Burford (District Councillor), B. Lewis (District Councillor), G. Moseley (County Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), Invited Redmarley Parish Council Representative and 3 Parishioners.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2. Receive Apologies
No apologies received.
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting and AGM held on Tuesday 10th May 2022. Council also to receive APM minutes from meeting held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 ahead of approval in 2023
The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting and AGM held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 were proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Peach to be accepted as a true record.
The minutes of the previous APM were also received and noted by all Councillors ahead of their approval in 2023.
5. County Councillor Report
County Councillor, Gill Moseley notified all of the current cycling consultation taking place and will notify Staunton Parish Council once the consultation is open for comment.
A library consultation is also underway, with Staunton Parish Council to also be notified of these details.
6. District Councillor Report
District Councillor, Philip Burford reported that the annual full meeting of the Council has been held, and that he has returned as Chair of the Planning Committee.
It was also noted to expect progress with the Local Plan Revised Preferred Option Consultation in the coming weeks.
7. District Councillor Report
District Councillor, Brian Lewis noted the current discontent of some regarding the overuse of Council resources and services provided.
8. Matters Arising:
Cllr Millar reported that a recent site visit has taken place with Anthony Lodge to discuss the placement of the Plantinum Jubilee commemorative bench being purchased by Staunton Parish Council.
Cllr Allen has also confirmed spacing for the commemorative wording to be engraved on the bench. Final wording and templates to now be generated and agreed.
Cllr Millar explained the unfortunate recent postponement of the planned fundraising quiz night due to Covid. It has now been rearranged to take place on 9th September.
The pavilion was also proposed as a venue for future quiz nights when fundraising for the community.
9. Councillor Vacancy
Following application from Julie Capper to fill a current Councillor vacancy, it was discussed by all Councillors and a vote was held. The results of the vote were unanimous in favour of co-option. Julie Capper duly signed the Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest.
10.Redmarley Play Park Project
An invited representative of Redmarley Parish Council told all about the proposed plans and ongoing fundraising efforts to create an accessible play park for all. The play park would be open to use by all neighbouring villages with equipment to suit all abilities.
Redmarley Parish Council are due to hold a summer fete on 31st July where all proceeds will go towards this project. Further information to be published on Staunton Parish Council’s website and noticeboard.
11.Snowball Accessibility App
Cllr Millar explain ‘Snowball’. It is a new app downloadable to all smart devices which holds accessibility information for any given area, local group or business.
Following approval by all Councillors, it was agreed that Staunton Parish Council should begin to upload accessibility information about the Parish for users.
It was noted that Staunton Parish Council has requested two keys for access to the new joint noticeboard.
A replacement noticeboard to be installed along Ledbury Road was also discussed, with costings to be sent to County Councillor, Gill Moseley.
13.Speed Indicator Device
Cllr Allen reported that all works needed to Staunton Parish Council’s speed indicator device have now been completed. With thanks to Philip Tasker for his efforts.
14.Highways Local Funding
Cllr Millar explained the recent site visit undertaken by Councillors, Andrew Middlecote and County Councillor, Gill Moseley to discuss the purchase of a new speed indicator device to be installed along Chartist Way.
Gill Moseley to confirm the suitability of the Community Speedwatch Fund and an inventory to be provided by Staunton Parish Council of our current speed reducing measures in use.
To report the findings of an internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records
Following a recently undertaken internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s finances, an overspend was reported on the stationary budget. This was due to the purchase of a new Council printer.
To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 23rd April 2022
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 23/04/22 – 24/06/22
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £7,986.25
Payments in Period:
06.03.22 000959 Half Year Grass Cutting £123.50
14.04.22 000962 Noticeboard Insurance £15.05
06.05.22 000963 Clerk’s May Expenses £63.64
06.05.22 000964 Clerk’s May Salary £311.22
10.05.22 000965 GAPTC Subscription Fee £197.24
17.05.22 000966 New Printer £49.99
22.05.22 000967 Insurance £264.99
06.06.22 000968 Clerk’s June Salary £311.22
06.06.22 000969 Clerk’s June Expenses £26.67
10.06.22 000970 Audit Fee £100.00
14.06.22 000971 Half Year Grass Cutting £80.00
TOTAL: £1,543.52
Receipts in Period:
- - -
TOTAL: £0.00
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £6,442.73
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:
- - -
TOTAL: £0.00
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries: £6,442.73
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds Account @ 24/06/22: £6,442.73
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:
06.07.22 000972 Clerk’s July Salary £311.22
06.07.22 000973 Clerk’s July Expenses £25.72
06.07.22 000974 Stationary £17.80
TOTAL: £354.74
Balance After ALL Payments Clear: £6,087.99
To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements
Residential development comprising of 10 market dwellings and 7 affordable dwellings together with access ways and associated works including provision of amenity greenspace, local flood relief, provision of play space and footpath linkage - Land At The Swan, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Erection of No. 20 dwellings and associated landscaping, parking and works. Demolition of existing residential buildings - 1-27 Johnstone Close, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RR
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Installation of 150mm level concrete slab onto existing concrete surface. Erection of steel agricultural barn. Demolition of existing wooden stable and adjacent concrete prefabricated single garage - The Copelands Ledbury Road Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of single storey side extension. Demolition of existing conservatory – Nisyros, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Proposed residential development (Use Class C3) for the erection of No. 16 dwellings and associated infrastructure, landscaping, parking and works. Demolition of existing garden centre - Garden Centre Ledbury Road Staunton Gloucestershire GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE DISCUSSED
Council to discuss P0731/22/FUL ahead of submission of comments
Planning application P0731/22/FUL was discussed, with Councillors asked for their comments before submission.
The low number of Parishioner comments was also noted, with Cllr Millar encouraging all to submit their comments.
A document can be found on providing guidance for the submission of planning comments and the key matters to consider.
17.Any Other Business
Cllr Capper noted the ongoing works of The Swan Community Group.
Cllr Peach reported that unfortunately there is still no update regarding the PPG meetings resuming.
It was reported that following issues of littering at Staunton Court layby, there is now a second bin located there for use.
Repair works are also needed to the memorial plaque on the bench.
18.Public Participation
The pond by Nutshell Cottage requires works. County Council to be notified of this.
The meeting finished at 9:32pm
Signed: Date: