Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2019
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, M. Fuller, D. Peach, A. Fardon, E. Bradbury, C. Williams (District Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk) and 2 Parishioners.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Vice Chairman, Cllr Millar welcomed all present and explained that she would be chairing the meeting due to Chairman, Cllr Allen’s absence.
2. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Allen, Cllr Williams, Norman Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative) as well as Parishioners Jean Pember and Irene Carroll.
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2019
The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 were proposed by Cllr Peach and seconded by Cllr Fardon to be accepted as a true record.
5. Matters Arising:
Cllr Millar informed all that letters actioned as a result of Parishioner concerns for road safety and hedge maintenance at Staunton Parish Council’s last meeting held on Tuesday 15th January have been sent out and have seen all issues rectified.
6. May 2019 Elections
Cllr Millar reminded all of the upcoming elections on Thursday 2nd May 2019 and informed all Councillors of the necessary paperwork required for submission to the Forest of Dean District Council offices in order to stand for election.
7. Joint Annual Parish Meeting
Cllr Millar informed all that Staunton Parish Council will be holding a joint Annual Parish Meeting along with Corse Parish Council on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 in the Annexe of Corse and Staunton Village Hall.
8. Post Office
Cllr Millar told all that the BT equipment has now been installed at Staunton Garden Centre ahead of the Post Office service commencing on Tuesday 30th April at 12pm and every Tuesday and Thursday 12-2pm thereafter.
9. Quiz
Cllr Millar said that going forward Staunton Parish Council’s fundraising quiz nights could benefit from a remodel. Councillors views were then asked, and a discussion held with a result of a suggested postponement of the quiz until later in the year. This would also give Councillors the opportunity to ensure availability as commitment is needed in order to make the quiz nights a success.
The possibility of making the quiz nights a joint effort alongside Corse Parish Council was also suggested.
10.Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group
Staunton and Corse PPG:
Précis of Meeting Dated 27th February 2019
New Members: Anne Turner from Tirley will be joining the Group from next month.
The Practice Newsletter will in future be printed for insertion in the Parish Magazines and this should be in place by next month.
Activities Leaflet for Older People/Carers: A summary of activities within the Staunton and Corse Practice catchment area has been compiled by the PPG Chair, Sue Knox. This will be distributed to Parish Councils as a resource for those requiring support and assistance and is in its final draft.
Raising Profile of PPG in 2019: The Group now has a number of volunteer speakers to detail the PPG aims and objectives. If you are influential within a group such as the WI or Mother and Toddler group for example and would like to have your members informed of how the PPG can work for them, then let us know and we can arrange a visiting speaker.
Carers Support: We have been made aware of a change in contracting of carers support services in Gloucestershire. Carers Gloucestershire has lost the contract for support services and this has now been awarded to a Midlands based firm called PeoplePlus Group Ltd. The new contractor officially takes control on 1st April and in the meantime the phasing out of Carers Gloucestershire begins. There are obviously some concerns by Carers Gloucestershire as to how the transfer will be managed, but it is hoped that some staff will transfer over and that carers will not see the service adversely affected. The contact number will remain the same and information should be available on the website whilst the transfer is managed.
DFP: February 2019.
11.Internal Finance Check
Cllr Bradbury reported that all of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records were in order and there were no issues to highlight.
12. Finance
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 22/12/18 – 16/01/19
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £2,356.96
Payments in Period:
06/12/18 000827 Clerk’s Dec Salary £168.30
06/12/18 000828 Clerk’s Dec Expenses £21.67
06/01/19 000830 Clerk’s Jan Salary £168.30
06/01/19 000831 Clerk’s Jan Expenses £21.67
TOTAL: £379.94
Receipts in Period:
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £1,977.02
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries: £1,977.02
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 16/01/19: £1,977.02
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:
06/02/19 000832 Clerk’s Feb Salary £168.30
06/02/19 000833 Clerk’s Feb Expenses £21.67
06/03/19 000834 Clerk’s March Salary £168.30
06/03/19 000835 Clerk’s March Expenses £21.67
06/03/19 000836 Shared Website Costs £22.43
06/03/19 000837 50% Grass Cutting Costs £155.00
TOTAL: £557.37
Balance After ALL Payments Clear: £1,419.65
13. Planning
Change of use of land for equestrian purposes, construction of manege and erection of stable block with associated post, rail fencing and works - The Cottage Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
FoDDC Decision - REFUSED
Outline application, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of existing buildings and the
erection of up to 31 dwelling units (and the carrying out of associated works) - Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucester Road, Corse, Gloucestershire
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Erection of a detached dwelling with associated works. (Redevelopment of a frontage plot on previously developed land) -Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road,
Staunton, Gloucestershire GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - PREVIOUS COMMENTS SUBMITTED
FoDDC Decision - ALLOWED
Change of use of agricultural building to commercial uses. (Part retrospective) – Units 1-3, Staunton Court Business Park, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QS
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension with alterations to fenestration and associated works. Demolition of existing barn – The Parlour, Brook Farm, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension, porch extension, replacement garage/shed and hay barn. Demolition of existing shed and hay barn – Hillview, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
Erection of an agricultural building with associated works. Demolition of outbuilding and stable – South View, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Erection of an agricultural storage barn with associated gravel area, landscaping and works - Nutwood Barn, Sladbrook Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QP
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
14. Any other business
Cllr Millar reminded all of the need to make a decision regarding any amendments needed to the mini roundabout in Staunton in order to improve road safety. Therefore, this item shall be formally raised during Staunton Parish Council’s next bi-monthly meeting on 14th May 2019 where a formal decision shall be made.
Cllr Fardon noted that there is a hole in the road in Moat Lane that needs repairing. The Clerk will contact Andrew Middlecote at Highways to arrange the repairs.
Cllr Bradbury asked if anything can be done to improve the swing park in Chartist Way, considering the additional 27 houses being built in the area and the possibility for additional demand and use of the area. As the Councillor representative for all matters regarding Recreational and Sports Facilities, Cllr Fuller has agreed to contact the relevant personnel and see what improvements can be made.
15. Public participation
District Councillor Clayton Williams brought the ‘Love Your Street’ campaign to Staunton Parish Council’s attention, as a means to improve community engagement and involvement. Clayton Williams has agreed to forward the information to Staunton Parish Council for consideration in the future.
Cllr Millar thanked all for attending and formally closed the meeting.
The meeting finished at 8:25pm
Signed: Date: