Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, D. Williams, B. Allen, J. Capper, P. Burford (District Councillor), G. Moseley (County Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), and 2 Parishioners.
Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2.Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Fuller and Corse Parish Council Representative Barbara Buck.
3.Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting and AGM held on Tuesday 11th July 2023
The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 11th July 2023 were proposed by Cllr Capper and seconded by Cllr Allen to be accepted as a true record.
5. County Councillor Report
Staunton Parish Council were asked whether any grit bins are needed for the winter as there is funding available to up to £1,500 per Council.
Applications for funding provided by the Youth Fund were also welcomed.
County Councillor, Gill Moseley also reported that she is looking into the possibility of getting faster broadband for the area, following several complaints about the service available. Digital Household Grants for those eligible will be notified in due course as to how this may be help. Any questions regarding this should be sent to Gill Moseley.
*Following full approval from the Council it was agreed to bring forward item 11 due to County Councillor, Gill Moseley needing to leave the meeting early*
GST35 – a letter has been sent to the Parishioner concerned regarding the issues previously raised.
GST14 – issues regarding accessibility of this public footpath have now been passed to Suzanne Hopes, Public Rights of Way Officer.
GST32 – Currently awaiting updates regarding availability of grants to resurface the southern section. Works to stiles also to be completed.
6. District Councillor Report
District Councillor, Philip Burford reported that the Scrutiny Inquiry may be delayed 6 months, and to await updates.
A new strategy is to be forward to the Council in October for the Local Plan.
7. District Councillor Report
No report provided.
8. New Councillor Delegations
Following Cllr Capper’s co-option it was agreed by all Councillors to re-instate her fundraising role within Staunton Parish Council.
9. Scrutiny Inquiry
Cllr Millar reported that a letter of comments has been drafted by all Councillors. All Councillors are now happy for this to be submitted.
All Councillors agreed to investigate the purchase of a defibrillator for Staunton. Cllr Capper to research any funding available for this. Locations also to be discussed further in due course.
To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 12th July 2023
All Councillors also approved the purchase of bulbs to be planted around the Memorial Bench at a cost of up to £26.
Cllr Allen also proposed a salary increase for the Clerk. All Councillors approved a salary increase to SCP 17. This was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Capper.
Council to receive the findings of a recently completed internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records
Cllr Williams noted that following a recent internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records, all was in order but noted an overspend on donations.
To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements
It was also noted that Staunton Parish Council has been contacted regarding proposed plans at The Swan. It was agreed by all Councillors to wait for formal notification of an application before commenting.
Cllr Millar also provided an update from Two Rivers regarding the Johnstone Close site. It is hoped that works will begin by Spring 2024.
14.Any Other Business
Cllr Peach reported that flu clinics at Staunton and Corse Surgery are in the planning for October.
Cllr Williams noted an ongoing parking issue along Jubilee Place. Cllr Williams to follow this up.
15.Public Participation
No items raised. However, Parishioner, Malcolm Harley was updated on the legality of Parish Councils donating to the Church.
The meeting finished at 8:22pm
Signed: Date: