Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 13th March 2018
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, A. Fardon, D. Peach, L. Bradbury, G. Millar (Clerk) and 5 Parishioners.
(The meeting was chaired by Vice-Chairman, Cllr Millar due to the absence of Chairman, Cllr Allen for medical reasons).
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The Vice-Chairman, Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Chairman – Cllr Allen, Cllr Fuller, Cllr Williams and Norman Davies – Corse Parish Council’s Representative.
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm minutes from previous meeting held on 9th January 2018
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 were proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Bradbury to be accepted as a true record.
5. Audit 2018
Cllr Millar explained the new changes concerning audits procedures from 2018/2019. These changes affect local councils that deal with less that £25,000 per year, which includes Staunton Parish Council.
These changes will mean that we are no longer subject to an external audit and is replaced by an Annual Governance Statement which has to be completed and published on our website in accordance with our Transparency Code.
Cllr Millar also introduced the new role of ‘Internal Checker’ which has been assigned to Cllr Bradbury. This role involves the checking of all council related financial records to ensure compliance and adequate recording measures are in place. These checks will happen twice a year, in March and September.
6. Internal Checker Report
Cllr Bradbury reported that she has undertaken a full check of all financial records and informed all that everything is in order as of 1st March 2018.
7. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
Cllr Millar explained the purpose behind these documents to all, and that they need to be revised annually. The Council agreed to approve the 2018/2019 versions of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, with both documents to revised again in March 2019.
The 2018/2019 Standing Orders were proposed by Cllr Bradbury and seconded by Cllr Fardon.
The 2018/2019 Financial Regulations were proposed by Cllr Bradbury and seconded by Cllr Peach.
8. Budget 2017/2018
Cllr Millar explained its absence – A genuine clerical error.
The 2017/2018 budget was proposed by Cllr Bradbury and seconded by Cllr Peach.
*Cllr Peach requested to address agenda item 14 and 9 together*
14. Staunton and Corse Patients Group
Staunton and Corse PPG: Report of Meeting Dated 7th March 2018
· The Chair (Susan Knox) introduced Roger Boaler who joined the Group last month.
· Susan Knox reported on the idea of an ‘Open Day’ at the village hall where local groups supporting or offering services to the elderly and housebound, could present information. Initial suggestions were that this form part of the 2018 flu clinics, however, she suggested it might be better to signpost networking events via posters. This will be taken up again at our next meeting.
· Sarah Bryant, the new practice manager, presented an update on the practice announcing that;
i) A new pharmacist had been recruited and will be starting in the very near future. The prescription delivery service will also soon begin and be targeted at those who are housebound. Recruitment of drivers is ongoing and due to the nature of the job, is complicated by the need for Basic Disclosure Certificates from all applicants, but this will be completed very soon.
ii) Adverts and interviews are ongoing in order to replace several recent departures of nursing staff. Hayley had left at the end of last year and Tracey, the Advanced Nurse Practitioner, together with Jo the Diabetic Nurse, have also recently left. Recruitment is to be paralleled by a review of nursing roles in an effort to make the service to patients more efficient.
iii) Emma Rouke is the practices new GP trainee and is now in post.
iv) Dr Boit, who joined the practice a couple of months ago, is to begin a regular Sexual Health Clinic as an additional service to patients. This will start in April and will be made available via appointments and a walk-in clinic.
· Sarah Davis introduced her new role as that of Dementia Awareness Facilitator. She was our Village Agent, but the role ended last year and Community Wellbeing is the new term for the department; practitioners are keen to develop their roles and would like our support to publicise the organisation. It was stressed that referrals from a GP are not required and patients can self-refer at any time (email: Tel: 01594 812447); Sarah is one of a number of community teams under the umbrella of Community Wellbeing and will happily liaise with these should a patients query require it. Sarah had two main requests:
i) Sarah is keen to replicate in all Parishes a successful Wellbeing open day run in conjunction with the Newent flu clinic. It was again decided that the Staunton and Corse Flu Clinic was not able to support such an activity, particularly if 2018 sees another single day clinic; this will be followed up as and when more information becomes available from the Practice, but it is likely that a separate event will be organised.
ii) Sarah would also like to bring the Health Bus to Staunton and Corse in May 2018. A discussion ensued with various options put forward; however, a decision is yet to be made, but look out for posters. Inclement weather resulted in the cancellation of the Dementia Awareness session to have been held at Hartpury Village Hall. Sarah supported the approach that had been taken for Staunton, Corse and Hartpury to pull together on this and a new date will be announced soon.
· The practice no longer offers an ear syringing service. It was suggested that patients use eardrops for two to three weeks to clear wax until there is further advice on future availability of the service.
· A discussion on the availability of patient transport resulted in the suggested that a review of what is available should be included in the Groups Spring Newsletter.
9. Dementia Action Alliance
Cllr Peach introduced all to the role of Sarah Davies the Dementia Friendly Community Enabler for Staunton. She helps to raise awareness of dementia within the community. Her contact details are:
07914 538616
Cllr Peach explained some of the upcoming events within the community to increase awareness of dementia. Firstly, is the suggestion of running an ‘Open Day’ to help provide increased support to those who suffer with dementia and their carers. The date and location of this is yet to be confirmed.
Also, it is proposed that a health bus be run. This is going to take place on 13th May 2018. The location is yet to be confirmed.
Cllr Peach also notified all that he is currently circulating posters around all local businesses and noticeboards regarding an upcoming workshop to educate business owners and employees about how to best cater for those who suffer with dementia.
He has also suggested an initiative much like the suggestion box in Staunton and Corse Surgery whereby Staunton Parish Council would have a suggestion box which could be used by Parishioners to suggest ways in which we can make the village more dementia friendly.
He said to contact him if you have any suggestions (contact details at .
The Dementia Action Alliance was then discussed with the application form circulated around all attendees. A decision is yet to be reached, with Cllr Millar saying it is a subject that needs to be kept at the forefront of our minds. It is an item to be carried over to our next agenda and bi-monthly meeting for further discussion.
10. ‘P1731/16/TE’ Phone Mast Appeal
Cllr Millar stated that the appeal has been upheld on ecology grounds and that Vodaphone are not pursuing a further application on the same site, however they could still find and put in an application at a new location. Cllr Millar commented on the suggestions of other parishioners that a more acceptable for the phone mast would be sensitively sited on the village playing fields. She also stated that Hartpury have just had a phone mast installed in their village.
11.Planning Application ‘P1637/17/FUL’ Change of use of land to private gypsy and traveller caravan site
Cllr Millar explained that this planning application has been refused as of Tuesday 13th March 2018. The Officers report is yet to be published, however Cllr Millar quoted from an email written by David Haigh the Conservation Consultant for Forest of Dean District Council citing his thoughts on the application – which were concerns over its visual impact and its position within a conservation area. Cllr Millar reminded all of the applicants right to appeal.
12.Post Office
Cllr Millar stated that she is in constant contact with Neil Jenkins, the Network Operations Manager for the South West. Despite this effort, she explained that there is no further progress to report since the last Staunton Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018.
Cllr Millar reminded all of the next quiz date, Wednesday 21st March. She encouraged all to attend. She also reminded all Councillors that any raffle prize donations would be greatly welcomed.
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 30/12/17 - 27/02/18
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £5,400.86
Payments in Period
27/10/2017. 000769. Purchase of Poppy Wreath - Out of date & new cheque raised (000788 on 7/3/18). £25.00
06/01/2018. 000776. Clerk January Salary £153.92
06/01/2018. 000777. Clerk January Expenses £21.67
23/01/2018. 000778. Meal Voucher Gift to Parishioners for Litter Picking £50.00
06/02/2018. 000779. Clerk February Salary £153.92
06/02/2018. 000780. Clerk February Expenses £21.67
09/02/2018 000781. Audit Preparation Training for Clerk & Vice Chairman £80.00
Total Payments in Period £506.18
Receipts in Period
Total £0.00
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Accounted For: £4,894.68
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period
27/10/2017. 000769. Purchase of Poppy Wreath - Out of date & new cheque raised (000788 on 7/3/18). £25.00
09/02/2017. 000781 Audit Preparation Training for Clerk & Vice Chairman £80.00
Total Payments in Period £105.00
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries £4,999.68
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 27/02/18 £4,999.68
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement
06/03/18. 000782. Clerk March Salary £153.92
06/03/18. 000783. Clerk March Expenses £21.67
06/03/18. 000784. Purchase of 'Local Councils Explained' Book £19.99
06/03/18. 000785. GAPTC Annual Membership Subscription 2018/2019 £200.31
06/03/18. 000786. Purchase of Printer Cartridges £29.16
06/03/18 000787. CiLCA Mentoring £235.00
07/03/18. 000788 To Correct Unpresented Cheque No. 000769 for Purchase of Poppy Wreath £25.00
Total £685.05
Balance After ALL Payments Clear £4,209.63
New Dwelling - Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO COMMENT
Listed building consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension. Changes to fenestration and internal alterations. Removal of dilapidated sheds with the erection of two monopitch barns - Brandon Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
Staunton Parish Council Comment -NO OBJECTION
Erection of an agricultural building (retrospective) - Little Brierley Farm Birchlas Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QT
Staunton Parish Council Comment -NO OBJECTION
Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated works. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings - Little Brierley Farm Birchlas Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QT
Staunton Parish Council Comment -NO OBJECTION
Erection of a rear extension with alterations and associated works - Willow Bank Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment -NO OBJECTION
17.Any other business & Public participation
Cllr Fardon asked if highways have been contacted regarding the pot hole in Moat Lane. Cllr Millar said that they have but that they may be delayed in actioning anything due to a new highways manager taking over for both Staunton and Corse. Cllr Millar said that she will follow it up.
Cllr Fardon asked about putting paving slabs in front of the Memorial bench. Cllr Millar said that she has spoken to Anthony Lodge about this and also concerning the possibility of re-doing the path up to Staunton Church.
Cllr Fardon explained that local crime rates have been low since our last Staunton Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 9th January 2018, with no burglaries to report. Since Tuesday 9th January 2018 there has been one horse trailer box stolen from Straight Lane and some scrap metal stolen from Moat Lane.
Cllr Millar stated that she wants to follow up and obtain the recent road safety survey results from County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive.
Cllr Millar also reminded and invited all to attend the joint Annual Parish Meeting in conjunction with Corse Parish Council on Tuesday 17th April 2018, as well as Staunton Parish Council’s Annual General Meeting and next Bi-Monthly meeting which are both being held on Tuesday 8th May 2018.
The meeting finished at 8:32pm
Signed: Date: