Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 13th November 2018

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; B. Allen, J. Millar, M. Fuller, D. Peach, A. Fardon, C. Williams (District Councillor), W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor), N. Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative) G. Millar (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners.

1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Allen welcomed all present.


2.    Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Williams and Cllr Bradbury.


3.    Declarations of Interest

None declared.


4.    To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 11th September 2018

The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 11th September 2018 were proposed by Cllr Fuller and seconded by Cllr Fardon to be accepted as a true record.


5.    Matters Arising

Village Gateways – Cllr Allen stated that the Village Gateways have now been purchased. Highways and AMEY have been contacted, and AMEY shall be installing the Village Gateways within the next two weeks. The total cost of this project has been £1,259.28.


Post Office – Cllr Millar said that there has been no progress to report. It was then suggested that a meeting be arranged between the Post Office Network Operations Manager for the South West, Neil Jenkins and both Cllr Millar and Cllr Allen.


District Councillor Clayton Williams asked about the possibility of a compulsory purchase of the building once used to run the Post Office. However, Cllr Allen and Cllr Millar explained that this is not a viable option due to cost and having to reinstate all Post Office equipment.


After a discussion took place, Cllr Allen confirmed that in order to progress, a meeting with the Post Office will be called.


6.    Quiz

Cllr Allen noted that the next fundraising Quiz Night will be held on Wednesday 21st November, and that he has purchased a number of items that can be won during the raffle on the night and encouraged all to donate raffle prizes! 

On behalf of Ian Fardon at Staunton Cross Garage, Cllr Fardon also kindly donated a free M.O.T voucher for the raffle, and Sainsburys has donated a £10 gift card.


Cllr Fuller has written the questions for this quiz and will be the quizmaster.


7.    Highways

Cllr Millar said that there is currently no news to report other than a meeting will be called with Highways after the installation of the Village Gateways to further discuss improving the mini roundabout in Staunton.


Cllr Fuller told all that he has received a message from the Headmaster of Staunton and Corse C of E Academy regarding a survey taking place on Wednesday 14th November which will be observing the frequency with which the Village Crossing Patrol Officer is utilised in Staunton.  


Disappointment in Highways was also expressed, having still to suggest and/or implement any speed reduction measures through the village, as Staunton is a residential area with a primary school and an ever-increasing population.

A number of measures were then suggested, such as the introduction of a speed camera, a crossing and the use of high-vis mannequins at the roads edge.


Cllr Allen and Cllr Millar said they will discuss measures for speed reduction with Highways during their next meeting.


8.    Staunton and Corse Patients Group

Staunton and Corse PPG Update from 7th November 2018

1.      New Members.

Two new members with possibly a third in the next month or so. Members were introduced to Jenni Fenech and Emma Newbould. Emma is to be our first Virtual Member and will be interacting mainly via the internet. She is our youngest member, currently studying for an MSc in Dietetics and lives in Hartpury.

2.     Vaccines and Flu Clinics.

Sarah reported that the clinic on the 15th November risked running out of vaccines as the supply is difficult to obtain. We were told that there is no option to use the under sixties vaccine on the over sixty fives, or vice a versa and that if her fears are realised, then patients will be advised to visit their local pharmacies to obtain this years vaccination.

Another problem facing the team on the 15th is that Western Power (WP) will be cutting the power to the Village Hall at the time of the clinic, due to necessary line maintenance within the area. After some discussion WP has agreed to provide a generator for use by the clinic and this will be delivered on site at lunch time. Norman, Malcolm, Donald, John and Ann will all attend to assist with the logistics of getting patients in to and out of the car park and the staff supplied with tea and coffee.

Since the individual appointments booked on two dates in October worked so well, Sarah Bryant has suggested that she might consider keeping the vaccinations totally ‘in-house’ next year via a series of booked appointments at the surgery. This is, however, to be confirmed once discussed with the Practice Team.

3.         Domestic Abuse Champion. Sarah Bryant has begun her first training session and she looks forward to providing confidential support for patients and will have access to a treatment room for this purpose now that the building work is complete. Patients can self refer and all consultations are carried out with complete confidentiality.

4.         Community Wellbeing. There have been complaints about accessing this new service which has replaced the Social Prescribing Service. There are three different groups; Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, Forest of Dean and Worcestershire; contact details will be on the PPG website and which group you contact is dependent on where you live. For the villages of Staunton and Corse it is Caring for Communities and People (CPP) centred on Cheltenham and Tewkesbury.

Tel: 0300 3656463,



I hope to be able to provide more information once a representative from the service has spoken to the PPG, but as far as we know, patients will be seen here in the Staunton and Corse practice via self-referral.

5.              Surgery Update.

New Treatment Rooms. Building work on the two new practice rooms is now finished and they will be commissioned in the next week or so once the furniture has been moved in. They will widen the availability of in-house facilities and consultations and gives the Practice members more confidence in being able to meet the increasing patient population in the catchment area.

Patients had again expressed concern over the length of time taken to get to see a doctor, which has been reported as typically two weeks. We asked whether the Practice assessment of its ability to cope with an expanding population was based on what was happening in Staunton and Corse or, were they also looking at the bigger picture of housing development throughout the catchment area. Sarah Bryant replied that they did not have figures available but, that with the two new practice rooms, they had the ability to offer more appointments and would of course look at the possibility of employing another doctor at the Practice, should the evidence suggest that this had become necessary.

Sarah went on to say that sometimes the issue with longer waiting times was due to patients having a limited opportunity to attend appointments that were initially offered. She pointed out that all staff at the Practice are bound by the Practice Patient Confidentiality Policy and patients should be prepared to discuss their medical need for an appointment with the receptionists, who will be able to liaise with the doctors, either for an urgent appointment, or a doctor to telephone them back. Good communication is vital to securing an appropriately timed appointment, we were told, some medical issues are genuinely urgent, whilst others are not and to be able to provide an efficient service, a degree of triage is required; as patients we should be prepared to communicate fully with reception.

MAPLE. Managing Asthma Patients Life Effectively is a new initiative seeking to pick up on poor patient compliance and over or under prescribing. Beginning on the 13th November the MAPLE Nurse will attend for 2 days per week to help patients better manage their asthma.

6.         S&CPPG 2018/19 Aims centre on producing a booklet detailing all activities within our area and supporting the lonely and isolated, it is moving forward, albeit slowly and Susan Knox, our Chair, is working hard to produce a comprehensive booklet which will be available in print form or on-line. The information will provide details of each activity, contact name and telephone number, day/date and location.

            This week - November 12th to 18th is Self Care Week. A series of fact sheets had been produced by the Self Care Forum and are available for distribution via surgeries, support groups and clubs. You should be able to see details of Self Care week on the Practice Media Screen and they will also stock a series of Self Care Fact Sheets modified to display the Stanton and Corse Practice Header at the top of the sheets on a whole range of conditions from back pain, through headache to Acne.

7.         The S&CPPG Winter Newsletter will include feedback on the flu clinics if the Practice does indeed run out of vaccines. It will also include details of Christmas and New Year opening times, prescription ordering and delivery dates into January 2019. 

8.         Innovative Practice. Tewkesbury had been running Pre-diabetic Clinics with some encouraging results. Patients were given eight sessions consisting of motivational talks on losing weight, managing diet etc and they had some evidence to suggest that patients were presenting with some positive results with a significant number being removed from the ‘Pre-Diabetic’ classification.

            Tewksbury were also trialling the use of paramedics rather than doctors for patient home visits; this provided doctors with more time for patient consultations in the practice and patients were still receiving a high standard of care and seemed satisfied with the change in practice.

Next PPG meeting is scheduled for the 9th January 2019 at 12:00hrs.




Cllr Fuller asked if the two new treatment rooms at Staunton and Corse Surgery will be served by extra staff, however Cllr Peach told all that at present no additional staff are being recruited.  


Cllr Peach stated that Sarah Bryant, Practice Manager said if there was a need for another doctor, the surgery would hire them. According to Staunton and Corse Surgery they are able to cope with current demands and are aware of current planning applications which could lead to a drastic increase in the population of Staunton.


9.    Internal Finance Check

Cllr Millar read correspondence and a report on behalf of Cllr Bradbury, confirming that Staunton Parish Council’s bi-annual Internal Finance Check has been successfully completed with no areas for concern. The next check will take place in March 2019.


Financial Report: Payments & Receipts  30/08/18 - 26/10/18

Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation:£5,072.96

Payments in Period
06/09/2018 000815. Clerk's Expenses for September   £21.67  

06/09/2018. 000816. Clerk's Salary for September   £168.30  

06/09/2018. 000817. Purchase of Stationary for Chairman   £91.16

06/10/2018. 000818. Clerk's Salary for October   £168.30  

06/10/2018. 000819 Clerk's Expenses for October   £21.67  

06/10/2018 000820 Donation for Memorial Bench £50.00  

14/10/2018 000821 Donation to FoDDC Street Warden.  £25.00  

14/10/2018. 000822. Plaques for War Memorial   £2,400.00

Total Payments in Period   £2,946.10         

Receipts in Period

Total Payments in Period          £0.00

Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £2,126.86

Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period
06/10/2018. 000820. Donation for Memorial Bench  £50.00           

Total   £50.00          

Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries £2,176.86

Statement of Account

Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 26/10/18 £2,176.86

Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement              
02/11/2018. 000823. Purchase of White Gates for Village   £1,259.28

04/11/2018. 000824. Clerk's Expenses for November   £21.67  

04/11/2018. 000825. Clerk's Salary for November   £168.30 

12/11/2018. 000826 Purchase of Wreaths  £55.00           

Total   £1,504.25                            

Balance After ALL Payments Clear  £622.61                           


11.  Planning


Change of use of land for equestrian purposes, construction of manege and erection of stable block with associated post, rail fencing and works - The Cottage Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission P1871/15/OUT for the erection of 27 dwellings - Land Off Chartist Way, Staunton Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Outline application, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of existing buildings and the

erection of up to 31 dwelling units (and the carrying out of associated works) - Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucester Road, Corse, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE CIRCULATED



Erection of a side/rear extension with associated works. Demolition of existing garage - Sunrise, Old Pike, Staunton, Gloucester

Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE CIRCULATED



Removal of conditions 03 ( parking and access arrangements) , 04 (surface water drainage) and variation of condition 10 of planning permission P0532/18/FUL to alter the wording from; 'The existing dwelling shown on the submitted plans drawing number 00 dated 5th April 2018; shall be demolished and removed from site prior to the commencement of any other works hereby permitted associated with the erection of the replacement dwelling' to; "The existing dwelling shown on the submitted plans drawing number 00 dated 5th April 2018 shall be demolished and removed from site within three months of first occupation of the replacement dwelling.” - Little Brierley Farm, Birchlas Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QT

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Discharge of Condition 07 (Construction Ecological Management Plan) of planning permission P0532/18/FUL - Little Brierley Farm Birchlas Lane Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3QT

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



New Premises Licence, Greenridge Wines LTD – Unit 62, Staunton Court Business Park, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QS

Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE CONSIDERED BY COUNCILLORS





Erection of a detached dwelling with associated works.  (Redevelopment of a frontage plot on previously developed land) -

Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road,

Staunton, Gloucestershire GL19 3QA

Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE CONSIDERED BY COUNCILLORS



Proposed conversion of integral garage to form a dining room and wet room. Erection of a replacement conservatory – Elmstone, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Construction of an equestrian Manege - Brierley Hill, Newent Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QR

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Discharge of conditions 03 (render sample panel), 06 (details of eaves, verge and ridges), 07

(details of windows, doors, door cases, architraves, skirting and fireplaces) and 08 (scaled

plans of eaves, verge, ridges and rainwater goods) of planning permission P1923/17/LBC – Brandon, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Erection of single storey side extension – Ashcroft, Malvern Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



12.  Any Other Business

Cllr Fardon said he has had additional copies of ‘Staunton and Corse of Yesteryear’ printed. They are £12 each if anyone would like to purchase a copy.

Cllr Fuller asked about the current status of the telephone box restoration project. Corse Parish Council Representative, Norman Davis then told all that it has been organised for a local tradesman to repaint the telephone box at a £500 cost to Corse Parish Council, with the replacement of the glass panels still to be arranged.


13.      Public Participation

Both Jean Pember and Sheila Barnfield kindly took the opportunity to thank Staunton Parish Council for the work undertaken as part of the War Memorial Restoration Project which has now been completed, and for the Remembrance Service on Sunday 11th November 2018, that marked 100 years since the end of the First World War.


Cllr Allen then thanked all for coming and announced the date change for Staunton Parish Council’s bi-monthly meeting taking place in January. This meeting will now be held on Tuesday 15th January 2019.



The meeting finished at 8:45pm


Signed:                                                                            Date: