Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, B. Allen, M. Fuller, P. Burford (District Councillor), G. Moseley (County Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), and 1 Parishioner.


1.Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Millar welcomed all present. Cllr Phil Awford’s sad passing was also announced with a sympathy card to be sent from Staunton Parish Council.


2. Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Williams, District Councillor Brian Lewis and Corse Parish Council Representative, Barbara Buck.


3.Declarations of Interest

None declared.


4.    To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2023.

The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2023 were proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Fuller to be accepted as a true record.

5.    County Councillor Report

Gloucestershire County Council’s budget amendments that were put forward, have now been accepted. It was also noted that the Community Speedwatch Fund has now closed for applications.

The grit bin bid has also been accepted, giving all County Councillors a fund to share out towards grit bins throughout the County.

It was also reported that the County’s recycling centres will no longer accept used tyres from April.


6.    District Councillor Report

Reflecting on the previous 4 years, District Councillor, Philip Burford noted that services have been generally good, although planning services have been struggling.

The Forest of Dean District Council has received £20m from the Levelling Up Fund, and capital investments have been made for regeneration projects.

Climate and biodiversity emergencies have been declared, although works have been done towards rectifying them.

The importance of maintaining services to residents and a balanced budget were highlighted, with a 3% increase balanced budget having been approved at the last full Council meeting.

It was also noted that the new Head of Paid Services is due to officially take over the role on 1st April 2023 for the next 8 months.


7.    District Councillor Report

No report due to absence.


8.    Matters Arising:

Asset Update

It was noted that Staunton Parish Council’s new noticeboard has now been installed by Anthony Lodge. This along with the new Council printer and memorial bench have now been added to Staunton Parish Council’s insurance cover for an additional £15 per year which was approved by all Councillors.


9.    Councillor Resignation

Cllr Millar notified all that unfortunately due to personal reasons, Cllr Capper has had to hand in her resignation. All delegated roles to be reassigned in due course.



Ahead of the elections taking place on 4th May 2023, a reminder was given regarding the new voter ID requirements. Further information available at .



Cllr Fuller notified all that the Community Hub are in the planning stages regarding their celebrations with further details to become available. Following notification of Village Hall availability over the Coronation weekend a discussion took place, and it was agreed by all Councillors that this is an item for further consideration.



After a discussion took place, it was agreed by all Councillors that there was no further comments or submissions required.


13.Community Hub

Cllr Fuller provided an update regarding a recently held quiz night on 1st March 2023. It was well attended by around 45 people, with takings of around £900. Another quiz to be held on 21st April 2023.


14.Severn Treescapes Ourboretum Project

It was agreed by all Councillors to submit a bid for a small new of older plants rather than whips as previously obtained, due to the unfortunate success rate with younger plants.


15. Finance

a)     Having received a quote from Iain Selkirk, Staunton Parish Council’s internal auditor of £105 to conduct our 2022/23 audit, it was agreed by all Councillors to appoint him. This was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Peach.


b)    Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 07/01/23 – 13/03/23

Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £3,469.38

Payments in Period:

 13.01.23                             Replacement Noticeboard                     £961.90

23.01.23                             Bracket Works for Replacement SID       £227.78

06.02.23                           Clerk’s February Expenses                     £24.02

06.02.23                           Clerk’s February Salary              £337.22

06.03.23                           Clerk’s March Expenses             £21.67

06.03.23                           Clerk’s March Salary                              £337.22

 TOTAL:                                                                                            £1,909.81

Receipts in Period:

13.01.23                             Footpath Reserves                                £256.90                                                                                   

TOTAL:                                                                                           £256.90


Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For:    £1,816.47


Statement of Account

Balance in Lloyds Account @ 13/03/23:                                          £1,816.47



a)     The ongoing enforcement issue was outlined, with no updates available to provide. Due to the unfortunate handling of this issue by Forest of Dean District Council, it was agreed by all Councillors that following an initial complaint, a Stage 2 complaint will now be made in line with their complaints procedure.


b)     P0097/22/FUL

Erection of No. 20 dwellings and associated landscaping, parking and works. Demolition of existing residential buildings - 1-27 Johnstone Close, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RR

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Proposed residential development (Use Class C3) for the erection of No. 16 dwellings and associated infrastructure, landscaping, parking and works. Demolition of existing garden centre - Garden Centre, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Change of use of land to residential and erection of self contained annex. (Retrospective) - April Rise, Ledbury Road Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QB

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Erection of new garage, repositioning of front door and internal alterations. Demolition of existing garage and rear porch - Princes Lodge, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



17.Any Other Business

Councillors were asked to consider a replacement noticeboard for the Ledbury Road, due to the age and condition of the current one in use.

Cllr Peach noted that Patient Participation Group meetings should be resuming shortly at Corse and Staunton Surgery after an extended break since Covid-19 outbreak. Younger members were all encouraged to join.

District Councillor, Philip Burford also highlighted the need for online booking functions and longer opening hours.


18.Public Participation

Concerns regarding walkers not keeping to public footpaths were highlighted. Cllr Williams to investigate this further, and the issue to be noted in the next publication of the Parish Magazine.


The meeting finished at 8:46pm

Signed:                                                                                  Date: