Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2019

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Williams, B. Allen, M. Fuller, A. Fardon, E. Bradbury, B. Lewis (District Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners. 


1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Millar welcomed all as the newly elected Chairman of Staunton Parish Council. 


2.    Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Peach and County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive. 


3.    Declarations of Interest

None declared. 


4.    To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2019 and from the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019

The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2019 were proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Williams to be accepted as a true record. 

Additionally, the minutes of the recent Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 were proposed by Cllr Bradbury and seconded by Cllr Fardon to be accepted as a true record. 


5.    Matters Arising 

 † Park – Chartist Way

Cllr Fuller has contacted Forest of Dean District Council who have confirmed that maintenance work to improve the park is planned to take place imminently. As of Tuesday 14th May no work had begun, so Cllr Fuller has agreed to follow up with the Forest of Dean District Council if the work has not begun by Friday 17th May. 

Cllr Fuller also reported that dog fouling no longer seems to be an issue in this area. 

6.    Audit 2018/2019


† Council to declare an exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review

The Council approved Staunton Parish Council’s exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review. Cllr Millar and the Responsible Financial Officer signed the Certificate of Exemption. 

† To approve Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2018/2019

The Council approved the Annual Governance Statement, and the document was signed by Cllr Millar and the Clerk. 

† To approve Section 2: Accounting Statements 2018/2019 for Staunton Parish Council

The Council approved the Accounting Statements for Staunton Parish Council, and the document was signed by Cllr Millar and the Responsible Financial Officer.

7.    Quiz

Cllr Millar updated all that Staunton Parish Council held a fundraising quiz night on Wednesday 8th May where £252 was raised and 32 people attended. However, moving forward it has been agreed that more advertising is needed and an agreement on where funds raised would be best spent.

All Councillors have agreed that the next fundraising quiz night will be held in July, with a date to be arranged. 


8.    Post Office 

Cllr Millar told all we are now in the third week of the new Post Office service at Staunton Garden Centre. District Councillor, Brian Lewis who owns the Garden Centre was introduced and asked for his feedback. He reported that the service is currently well used and busy. 


9.    Staunton Mini Roundabout 

Cllr Millar stated the need for the mini roundabout to be re-levelled and moved back to its original location, which Corse Parish Council is in agreement with. Contact with Highways to be made regarding this. 

Cllr Millar then invited Cllr Fuller to highlight a Parishioner concern during this agenda item.

It has been asked whether Staunton Parish Council could move the speed sign onto the Ledbury Road. Cllr Allen stated that he is happy to install a bracket so we can look to fulfil this request. Cllr Millar requested the Clerk send a letter to the Parishioner concerned to provide an update. 

It has also been suggested by Cllr Fardon that any future relocations of the speed sign or any similar maintenance works within the Village be published in the Parish Magazine. 



Cllr Williams stated an issue with stiles and fencing within the Village, including wire mesh that has been installed over a stile preventing dogs from passing through. 

Also, a footbridge on Whitmore Way has become dangerous to use with missing sections now apparent.

A Parishioner also raised concerns over two public rights of way that have become overgrown and difficult to use. One near Pear Tree Cottage and the other on Stoney Lane. 

Cllr Williams has agreed to collate a log of such issues within Staunton to include photographic evidence to aid in rectifying all issues. The Clerk is to communicate this project with Corse Parish Council. 


Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 17/01/19 – 26/04/19

Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £1,977.02

Payments in Period:

06/02/19   000832       Clerk’s Feb Salary                               £168.30

06/02/19   000833       Clerk’s Feb Expenses                         £21.67

06/03/19   000834       Clerk’s March Salary                         £168.30

06/03/19   000835       Clerk’s March Expenses                    £21.67

06/03/19   000836       Website Fee                                       £22.43

06/03/19   000837       50% Grass Cutting                           £155.00

06/04/19   000838       Clerk’s April Salary                            £168.30

06/04/19   000839       Clerk’s April Expenses                      £30.90

TOTAL:                                                                                    £756.57


Receipts in Period: 

26/04/19                         2019/2020 Precept                       £4,568.00

TOTAL:                                                                                   £4,568.00


Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £5,788.45


Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:


06/04/19   000838       Clerk’s April Salary                           £168.30

06/04/19   000839       Clerk’s April Expenses                      £30.90

TOTAL:                                                                                    £199.20


Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries:          £5,987.65


Statement of Account


Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 26/04/19:                      £5,987.65


Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:


06/05/19   000840       Clerk’s May Salary                             £183.20

06/05/19   000841       Clerk’s May Expenses                        £21.67



TOTAL:                                                                                      £204.87


Balance After ALL Payments Clear:                                        £5,583.58



Outline application, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of existing buildings and the

erection of up to 31 dwelling units (and the carrying out of associated works) - Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucester Road, Corse, Gloucestershire

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Erection of a single storey extension, porch extension, replacement garage/shed and hay barn. Demolition of existing shed and hay barn – Hillview, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG




Discharge of Condition 03 (Tree Survey) of planning permission P1788/18/FUL – Hillview, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, Gl19 3QG

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Erection of an agricultural storage barn with associated gravel area, landscaping and works - Nutwood Barn, Sladbrook Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QP

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling and associated works (some matters reserved) – Pear Tree Cottage, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF

Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION



Listed building consent for the installation of door to rear elevation – The Orchard, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION 



Erection of a stable block with associated works – Sunrise, Old Pike, Staunton, Gloucestershire, Gl19 3QN

Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE CIRCULATED 


13.    Any Other Business

Cllr Millar welcomed District Councillor Brian Lewis and encouraged him to attend our meetings whenever possible. 


14.    Public Participation

A Parishioner voiced concerns over infilling that has taken place in Prince Crescent contrary to planning policies. 


The meeting finished at 8:50pm

Signed:                                                                                  Date: