Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2024
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 8:32pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, D. Williams, B. Allen, J. Capper, P. Burford (District Councillor), G. Moseley (County Councillor), B. Buck (Corse Parish Council Representative), G. Millar (Clerk), and 6 Parishioners.
1.Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2.Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from District Councillor, Clayton Williams and Cllr Fuller.
3.Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2024
The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2024 were proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Williams to be accepted as a true record.
5. Fundraising Supper Club and Defibrillator
The defibrillator at The Swan Community Hub has now been installed, with Cllr Capper to provide training on the device in due course. The device is also now registered on The Circuit database.
All Councillors also approved the purchase of replacement parts needed for the defibrillator device as part of its ongoing maintenance.
The Fundraising Supper Clubs will remain ongoing with the next one due to be held on 6th July.
6. Footpaths
Suzanne Hopes, who was the previous Public Rights of Way Officer has now had her successor announced.
GST32 – The last outstanding section has now been temporarily resurfaced with a final grit surface still to be installed. This will remain in place until Gloucestershire County Council provide a permanent surface. Signs warning of the temporary surface are to be installed by Cllr Williams.
7. Community Funded Fibre Project
Cllr Peach reported that it is looking likely that the project will go ahead based on the number of pledges already received.
8. Fly Tipping
Cllr Williams explained the ongoing issue being experienced in Staunton at the layby next to St James’ Church. 7 reports have now been logged with Forest of Dean District Council with the Street Warden visiting the site following each report.
9. Replacement Noticeboard
Staunton Parish Council’s noticeboard along Ledbury Road needs replacing. A quote of £865 incl VAT has been sourced. The purchase was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Capper.
The WI has also kindly offered to replant the area.
10.D-Day 80th Anniversary
On 2nd June there will be an afternoon tea and raffle at the Village Hall to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.
On 6th June there will be a fish and chip supper at The Swan Community Hub. Cllr Millar to attend and read the International Tribute.
A lantern of peace will also be lit.
Council to receive the findings of a recently completed internal finance check
Cllr Williams reported that following a recent check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records, everything was in order and within budget.
Council to discuss and approve any donations for 2024/2025
It was agreed by all Councillors to roll this agenda item onto Staunton Parish Council’s July meeting.
12.Audit 2023/2024
Council to declare an exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review
All Councillors approved that Staunton Parish Council meets the requirements to declare exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review. All documentation was duly signed.
To approve Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024
All Councillors approved Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024, which was completed and duly signed.
To approve Section 2: Accounting Statements 2023/2024 for Staunton Parish Council
All Councillors approved Section 2: Accounting Statements 2023/2024, which was duly signed.
To note the inspection period for the Notice of Public Rights
The inspection period is due to be open between 3rd June 2024 – 12th July 2024.
14.Any Other Business
Cllr Capper highlighted concerns regarding the crossing between The Swan Community Hub and the Premier Shop. Litter in the area is also increasing.
Cllr Allen noted that Corse Parish Council are not looking to progress any further with the purchase of a beacon. As Staunton Parish Council are not looking to solely purchase the beacon, it will now be offered out to other local Councils for purchase.
Cllr Allen also put forward a motion of a bonus payment to the Clerk. After a discussion took place, a £100 bonus payment was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Capper.
15.Public Participation
A highways issue was raised regarding tarmac filled drains following works that had been carried out. The issue has been raised by Staunton Parish Council.
The meeting finished at 9:30pm
Signed: Date: