Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2023
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, D. Williams, B. Allen, J. Capper, M. Fuller, P. Burford (District Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), and 1 Parishioner.
Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2.Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from County Councillor, Gill Moseley and Corse Parish Council Representative Barbara Buck.
3.Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting and AGM held on Tuesday 12th September 2023
The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023 were proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Allen to be accepted as a true record.
5. County Councillor Report
In her absence, a report was read from County Councillor, Gill Moseley noting the introduction of Fix My Street. This is a website and app where issues with roads and footpaths can be logged. Any issues will then be assessed and rectified as soon as possible with updates provided throughout the process.
6. District Councillor Report
District Councillor, Philip Burford reported that a lot has now been invested into shared legal services, however this investment has not been shared out equally versus expenditure. A subsequent new service has been launched to monitor this.
A report has been commissioned looking into the effectiveness of Publica and the services it provides. The report has recommended that many Publica services be repatriated. This will go to full Council in December, and could take around two years to get services back to the Forest of Dean District Council’s management.
It was also noted that the new Chief Executive of the Forest of Dean District Council has started.
7. District Councillor Report
No report given due to absence.
8. Defibrillator
Further details regarding the purchase of a defibrillator were discussed. It was agreed to look into the adoption of a maintenance contract for the device and budget for this in 2024/2025.
Further to her research, Cllr Capper stated that a defibrillator could cost between £850-£2,795, and Staunton Parish Council should expect to hear regarding a match funding application submitted to the British Heart Foundation by March.
An upcoming fundraising event with proceeds going towards Staunton Parish Council’s purchase of a defibrillator is sold out, although there will be opportunities to hold more events in the future.
9. Footpaths
GST 14 – a 6-week enforcement notice has now run out, with a new legal notice to be served which gives the landowner a further 28 days to carry out works required.
GST 39 – is still to be resurfaced.
GST 32 – works to resurface have now been completed.
A payment for £80 was also approved by all Councillors for half year grass cutting costs.
Staunton Parish Council has also received the audit appointment letter for the 2023/24 audit. This item is to be rolled over to Staunton Parish Council’s next meeting in January 2024.
To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 12th September 2023
Council to receive report from the recently completed internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records
It was reported that Staunton Parish Council’s financial records are all in order, with no comments given.
Council to discuss draft 2024/25 budget and precept
Following a discussion held by all Councillors, it was noted that the budget for the Clerk’s salary needs increasing due to the newly released pay scales.
Another project to be considered when looking at Staunton Parish Council’s 2024/25 budget is the need for a noticeboard replacement. This is to be reflected in the project reserves budget, as well as all costs involved in the purchase of a defibrillator.
It was agreed by all Councillors to roll this item over to Staunton Parish Council’s next meeting in January 2024.
Cllr Millar also noted that the recent S106 amendment request supported by Staunton Parish Council was unsuccessful, however alternative housing has now potentially be found.
12.Any Other Business
Cllr Millar noted that she has recently visited the newly opened convenience store and has taken a welcome card on behalf of Staunton Parish Council.
Thanks was also given to those who attended and help during the recent Remembrance Service. Although, it was requested that a larger area of grass is cut in the future for those attending. Cllr Millar to contact Stan Cotten regarding this.
Staunton Parish Council to contact the Playing Fields regarding outstanding S106 monies available.
Cllr Capper reported that a new date for a second defibrillator fundraiser is to be organised for January.
Cllr Williams stated that previously reported parking issues that were reported to the Police are still occurring. Staunton Parish Council to now refer this issue to the Forest of Dean District Council Street Wardens.
Cllr Peach gave a PPG report:
Louise Tweney has settled in as the new Practice Manager, Sarah Bryant having left in August.
Dr Emma Etherington and Dr Samuel Willis, the trainee GP’s on a six-month placement at the Practice, have been in post for a while now and so many will already have had a consultation with them.
The role of Physician Associate post has not been filled and will remain vacant until the return of Nurjahan Aktar, who is currently on maternity leave having recently given birth to a baby boy.
The post of GP Assistant is being advertised and it is hoped that this will soon be filled.
CQC: The Practice has undergone a CQC assessment which took place via a telephone conference call. Issues discussed and debated were wide ranging, including GP access, safeguarding issues, staff support, cervical smears, and immunisation. The call went very well with a rewarding positive outcome requiring no action needing to be taken.
National GP Survey: Conducted by NHS England, 278 questionnaires were sent out to a random selection of patients within the Practice, of which 118 were returned. This is a 42% response rate, as opposed to the national average of 29% which is an excellent result. The response to the 13 individual questions posed within the survey showed a massive vote of confidence in the Practice and its staff. The average response to the survey questions was a very positive 96%, with the lowest score being 84% agreeing that they “were satisfied with the appointment times available”, and the highest being 100% agreeing that “their needs were met”. The detail of the survey results will be made available online to be viewed via the Practice website.
Patient Access to GP Records: The Practice is working on a more in-depth record of patients’ consultations to be made available to individual patients via on-line access. This is due to become live on the 31st of October 2023 and will allow patients to have greater access to information such as test results and consultation notes. Patient records will first be reviewed by a GP prior to upload, after which patients can review their test results and treatment options as discussed in the consultation, without the time constraints of the original consultation. Text messages will be sent out to all patients giving the option of opting in or out of the process.
PPG Membership: Two new members have joined in the last two months, Irvine Manning and Christine Starling, both from Tirley. There is still space for representatives from other parishes to join to broaden representation from across the Practice catchment area.
13.Public Participation
Staunton Parish Council thanked Parishioner, Mr. Ellis for his litter picking efforts which he is retiring from. Flooding worries were also noted, and the need to remind Parishioners of their Riparian Rights.
The meeting finished at 9:00pm
Signed: Date: