Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2019
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; B. Allen, J. Millar, M. Fuller, D. Peach, A. Fardon, E. Bradbury, D. Williams, C. Williams (District Councillor), W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor), N. Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative) G. Millar (Clerk) and 6 Parishioners.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Allen welcomed all present.
2. Receive Apologies
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To Confirm the Minutes from the Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 13th November 2018
The minutes of the bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 13th November 2018 were proposed by Cllr Peach and seconded by Cllr Millar to be accepted as a true record.
5. 2019/2020 Budget
All Councillors approved the proposed 2019/2020 budget. This was proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Williams.
6. 2019/2020 Precept
Cllr Allen suggested a 3% increase from our 2018/2019 precept figure of £4,435. This is an increase of £133 (to the nearest pound).
After Cllr Allen asked for Councillor’s comments, a discussion was held which resulted in all Councillors agreeing to this suggestion. Meaning the precept figure for 2019/2020 will be £4,568.
7. Post Office
Cllr Millar told all that she met with our contact from the Post Office, Neil Jenkins, the Network Operations Manager for the South West in October, along with Cllr Allen and the Clerk.
This meeting resulted in a possible mobile service that could be run from Johnstone Close for two hours, twice a week. It is hoped that this service will be up and running within the next month. All marketing will be provided by the Post Office and Staunton Parish Council will work to distribute advertisements throughout Corse and Staunton as well as on the joint Corse Parish Council and Staunton Parish Council website.
8. Quiz
Cllr Allen informed all that the next quiz night will be held on Wednesday 27th February at The Swan in Staunton, and that any raffle prize donations would be appreciated.
9. Highways
Cllr Millar told all that the Village Gateways have now been installed and gave thanks to Highways for the installation service provided.
Cllr Allen also informed all that Corse Parish Council are to be purchasing an additional speed sign.
Additionally, the Councillors of Staunton Parish Council also have all agreed that our speed sign should continue to remain at its current site.
10.Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group
Precis of Staunton and Corse PPG Meeting of January 9th, 2019
Surgery News: Sarah Bryant the Practice Manager, on behalf of the Practice, would like to thank all those who sent thank you gifts and Christmas cards. Sarah also said that she is keen to listen to patient feedback and in the coming year is going to be reviewing staffing structure at the Practice aiming to improve opportunities for staff training and possibly recruitment.
Screening and Health Clinics: Diabetic eye screening and the MAPLE asthma clinics are being launched at the Practice and letters are going out inviting sufferers to attend. This is all in line with Government moves to improve our wellbeing and give us better control over our lives; if you are diabetic or an asthma sufferer, you are advised to attend if offered an appointment, or at least reply to the practice and let them know if you do not want to.
The annual flu clinics went well and the Practice has obtained further vaccines for both age groups. Those who missed the clinics will be contacted and invited to attend a scheduled appointment.
Patient Access EMIS: A discussion was had involving the use of the Patient Access system and other electronic contact methods after recent Government comments about broadening patient access options. It seems that some patients are still experiencing problems in logging on to Patient Access; if you are having problems please contact reception who will do their best to get the system working for you. Sarah is preparing policy guidelines for the broader use of electronic access and these will be made available for patients very soon.
Self-Referral: It seems that a number of patients have been let down by the current self-referral process for physiotherapy after hospital attendance and treatment. Communication is the key here, if you have been told that you will need physiotherapy the onus may be on you to arrange this. If in any doubt, then please contact the practice and ask for advice. With many orthopaedic conditions you may not need to see a doctor first and a list of conditions to which self-referral applies and how to arrange this is being prepared and will be made available very soon.
Patient Support and Advice Booklet: The S&CPPG under the direction of Sue Knox is preparing an ‘Activities’ booklet, to help patients with greater awareness of support and advice groups. Sue is hoping to make this available by the end of March and has been contacted by the Forrest Compass Voluntary Action Forum that are preparing something similar and would like to incorporate our data.
Many of us are used to using the Tewkesbury Hospital A&E department in preference to a trip to Gloucester or Cheltenham. However, due to radiographer shortages they are no longer able to offer comprehensive X-ray cover and imaging facilities are being reduced to just one or two days a week. If you turn up and X-rays are required, but not available, you will be transferred to one of the major hospitals, however, if circumstances permit, it might be wise to contact them in advance to see whether you shouldn’t go direct to Gloucester or Cheltenham. The Practice and the PPG will write to Tewkesbury to express our concern and seek further details of planned coverage.
DFP: January 2019.
11. Finance
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 27/10/18 – 21/12/18
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £2,176.86
Payments in Period:
06/10/18 000820 Donation for Memorial Bench £50.00
02/11/18 000823 Purchase of White Gates £1,259.28 (£209.88 VAT)
04/11/18 000824 Clerk’s Nov Expenses £21.67
04/11/18 000825 Clerk’s Nov Salary £168.30
12/11/18 000826 Purchase of 2017 & 2018 Wreath £55.00
06/12/18 000827 Clerk’s Dec Salary £168.30
06/12/18 000828 Clerk’s Dec Expenses £21.67
12/12/18 000829 Grass Cutting (incl additional £50) £150.00
TOTAL: £1,894.22
Receipts in Period:
19/11/18 Internal Transfer – Funds for Village Gates £1,259.28
17/12/18 VAT Reclaim £625.07
TOTAL: £1,884.35
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £2,166.99
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:
06/12/18 000827 Clerk’s Dec Salary £168.30
06/12/18 000828 Clerk’s Dec Expenses £21.67
TOTAL: £189.97
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries: £2,356.96
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 21/12/18: £2,356.96
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:
06/01/18 000830 Clerk’s Jan Salary £168.30
04/11/18 000831 Clerk’s Jan Expenses £21.67
TOTAL: £189.97
Balance After ALL Payments Clear: £1,977.02
12. Planning
Change of use of land for equestrian purposes, construction of manege and erection of stable block with associated post, rail fencing and works - The Cottage Prince Crescent Staunton Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission P1871/15/OUT for the erection of 27 dwellings - Land Off Chartist Way, Staunton Gloucestershire
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Outline application, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of existing buildings and the
erection of up to 31 dwelling units (and the carrying out of associated works) - Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucester Road, Corse, Gloucestershire
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Erection of a side/rear extension with associated works. Demolition of existing garage - Sunrise, Old Pike, Staunton, Gloucester
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Removal of conditions 03 ( parking and access arrangements) , 04 (surface water drainage) and variation of condition 10 of planning permission P0532/18/FUL to alter the wording from; 'The existing dwelling shown on the submitted plans drawing number 00 dated 5th April 2018; shall be demolished and removed from site prior to the commencement of any other works hereby permitted associated with the erection of the replacement dwelling' to; "The existing dwelling shown on the submitted plans drawing number 00 dated 5th April 2018 shall be demolished and removed from site within three months of first occupation of the replacement dwelling.” - Little Brierley Farm, Birchlas Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QT
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
New Premises Licence, Greenridge Wines LTD – Unit 62, Staunton Court Business Park, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QS
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a detached dwelling with associated works. (Redevelopment of a frontage plot on previously developed land) -Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road,
Staunton, Gloucestershire GL19 3QA
Change of use of agricultural building to commercial uses. (Part retrospective) – Units 1-3, Staunton Court Business Park, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QS
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension with alterations to fenestration and associated works. Demolition of existing barn – The Parlour, Brook Farm, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Discharge of condition 04 (biodiversity enhancement) of planning permission P1468/18/FUL – Brierly Hill, Newent Road, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QR
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension, porch extension, replacement garage/shed and hay barn. Demolition of existing shed and hay barn – Hillview, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
Staunton Parish Council Comment - TO BE DISCUSSED – IN CIRCULATION
Erection of an agricultural building with associated works. Demolition of outbuilding and stable – South View, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
13. Any other business
Cllr Fardon stated concern over the traveller’s site on Malvern Road. District Councillor, Clayton Williams said that an emergency phone call to the Forest of Dean District Council and Police has previously been made, however the site is under Worcestershire County Council’s jurisdiction.
Cllr Allen agreed that an urgent letter from Staunton Parish Council shall be written regarding this matter.
Cllr Millar then discussed correspondence from a Parishioner in Moat Lane regarding driver and pedestrian safety due to overgrown hedges. It was agreed that Staunton Parish Council shall contact those concerned.
Parishioner, Jean Pember noted the restricted view from the Malvern Road onto the mini roundabout in Staunton. Staunton Parish Council will again write to those concerned.
Another Parishioner concern was passed to Staunton Parish Council regarding Footpath 35 which has a missing plank of wood on the bridge over the brook, making it dangerous to use. It was agreed that Staunton Parish Council shall write to the relevant team at Shire Hall concerning the safety issues surrounding the use of this bridge and the need for this issue to be rectified.
Lastly, Cllr Williams told all that he has replied to Historic England regarding Staunton War Memorial becoming part of the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, providing them with further information in relation to Staunton Parish Council’s recent restoration project of the War Memorial. If it becomes listed, the War Memorial will be further protected by Historic England.
14. Public participation
District Councillor, Clayton Williams explained that as of May 2019 Staunton will be joining Hartpury and Redmarley to form a ward as part of the recent Boundary Commission Review, making it a very large ward. Due to this it will mean that we will have two District Councillors.
Clayton Williams then announced that he will be running for District Councillor again, as well as introducing Brian Lewis who shall also be running for election.
The meeting finished at 8:35pm
Signed: Date: