Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th April 2018

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm


Staunton Councillors:

B. Allen (Chairman), J. Millar, D. Williams, D. Peach, M. Fuller, E. Bradbury, C. Williams (District Councillor), W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor) and G. Millar (Clerk).

Corse Councillors:

N. Davis (Chairman), M. Jones, T. Jones, D. Preston, B. Buck, P. Burford (District Councillor) and V. Roberts (Clerk).

Other Invited Guests:

Claudia Gough, Margaret Barclay, June Chaffey, Jon Tibbles and Sarah Davies.


7 Parishioners


1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Davis welcomed all present.


2.    Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr G. Bruce, Cllr A. Fardon and Tim Brown (Invited Guest on behalf of the scouts), Corse County Councillor B. Robinson, Corse PCSO Josh Griffiths, Staunton PCSO Peter Timmins and Jane Cox (apologies received on the evening).


3.    Corse - County Councillor’s Report

Report Read by Vicky Roberts (Clerk to Corse Parish Council) on Behalf of County Councillor Brian Robinson:

I was pleased to be voted in for a further term as County Councillor in May 2017.

Shortly afterwards the county council children’s services were reported by Ofsted to be inadequate. Much work has been completed to address the situation. I was appointed to Chair the Children’s and Family Scrutiny Committee and this has been a key focus of my work. The existing head of Children’s Services left the Council in August. Interim senior management have helped reshape the service and a new Head of Children’s Services joined in March 2018. Steps to ensure the Social Work is fully resourced have been taken with an additional £16m of funding and additional social workers recruited. Ofsted interim reports have noted progress but want the pace of change to be improved. The number of children in care in Gloucestershire has risen to over 600.

Caring for adults is the largest demand on county council services. With the number of over 65’s rising this is putting extra demand on county council resources. Improved ways of delivering services giving people more choice on the support they receive at home has helped keep the cost per person down. A levy of 2% on council tax to fund social care costs was included as part of the council budget. Gloucestershire has recently been identified as a pilot area by the government for closer integration of social care and NHS services. This should bring better and more efficient care for older people.

A major investment in road resurfacing will see £150m invested in roads over the next 4 years. Tarmac have been appointed to carry out the first phase of this work this year. Following the cold weather in recent months a pothole repair is also a high priority at the time current time. A new highways manager Andrew Middlecote was appointed for this division in January. I am working with him to address local highways issues.

4.    Corse - District Councillor’s Report

Report from District Councillor Philip Burford:

District Councillor Philip Burford stated that the Forest of Dean District Council has a new cabinet after a vote of no confidence, with the new leader being Tim Gwilliam.

This new cabinet is more community based. They are in the process of establishing a new building company that creates and rents properties to local residents of the district.

He also reminded all of the results from the Boundary Commission Review which from next year will see eight Parishes and two District Councillors in the Ward.

A notable planning application from the year was the proposal for the change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site along Straight Lane. This planning application was thrown out under delegated powers.

District Councillor Philip Burford noted that there were sound reasons for the refusal.

The development at Corse Grange was also mentioned as an ongoing area of difficulty due to some of the area being developed against planning rules.

He also reminded all that any highways or flooding issues are dealt with by the County Council not the District Council.


5.    Staunton - County Councillor’s Report

Report from County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive:

The new council was elected in May 17 and the administration has changed from a Conservative minority running it to a Conservative majority.

The manifesto was based on Investment & Growth - Biggest ever investment in roads, rolling out broadband, fixing the A417 ‘missing link’, helping the provision of 5000 apprenticeships across the County, a higher spend in social care and investment into our schools creating a brand new secondary school in Cheltenham as well as help for other schools to replace outdated buildings.

The County increased council tax by 4.5% billed as a 2.5% increase and a 2% levy ring fenced for Adult Social Care. Although lower than almost all Shire Counties it is more than we would have liked.

As well as the pressures of Adult Social Care with Domiciliary care and Residential costs rising we also have to improve our protection of vulnerable children in the County – the number of children in our care has risen to nearly 700 now and this service is budgeted to cost an extra £16M this year.

The budget was agreed in February and we are starting the spend on highways (with an extra ½M from government for potholes), the broadband rollout is planned to cover 97% of Gloucestershire residents, Gloucestershire libraries have been protected with enhanced services at many and the Road Safety Community Hub has been relaunched where residents can go online with their concerns.

 Gloucestershire 2050 Project

 Investment & Growth

This project is led by the University of Gloucestershire to look at the opportunities and challenges facing us as a County over the next few decades and how we should be planning to help the county grow. Looking back over a period of 14 years where we have the data it shows that Gloucestershire’s economy grew at a rate 0.5% lower than the country’s average, which apart from being surprising means our economy is earing several hundred million a year less than if we had been just average.

We have an aging population that will put pressure on our services we have a problem that young people are choosing to leave the County to live and work while 77% of employers in Gloucestershire say they already have ‘hard to fill’ vacancies. We have 12,500 EU workers aged between 18-34 currently working in the County – will Brexit or a change in their home economy’s mean that we will lose some?

It is predicted that we could create 100,000 jobs in the County over the next 20 years through economic growth – robots may account for some.

·       What projects should we be encouraging or lobbying towards?

·       Some options have already been mooted;

·       Super City – Between Gloucester & Cheltenham.

·       Cyber Park – we already lead the Country working on Cyber Security

·       Regional Parks – encourage our natural landscape and market the County

·       Lydney – Sharpness Bridge?

·       A Cotswold Airport?

·       Develop the Cotswold Waterpark further


6.    Staunton - District Councillor’s Report

Report from District Councillor Clayton Williams:

District Councillor Clayton Williams noted his disappointment that Staunton and Corse were not put together in the final results of the Boundary Commission Review.

He also told all of a theft alert initiative that he is setting up alongside PCSO Josh Griffiths.


7.    Corse – Police Report

PCSO Josh Griffiths was unable to attend the meeting and sent his apologies. In his absence please see a copy of the Newent Neighbourhood Policing Team Report which covers both Staunton and Corse. This will be available to view at


8.    Staunton – Police Report

PCSO Peter Timmins was unable to attend the meeting and sent his apologies. In his absence he provided a crime comparison document for the village of Staunton.

This will be available to view at


*It was discussed that both Parish Councils were to voice their disappointment in the lack of police attendance at meetings. Staunton Parish Council Clerk, Grace Millar and Corse Parish Council Clerk, Vicky Roberts to liaise regarding this. *


9.    Corse Parish Council - Chairman’s Report

Report from Cllr Davis:

The Parish Council has held 9 meetings during the year comprising 6 Bi Monthly Meetings, an Annual General meeting and an extraordinary meeting convened to discuss a proposed Gypsy Development at Straight Lane plus of course an Annual Parish Meeting as per today. These meetings have been regularly attended by our District Councillor, Philip Burford and when possible by our County Councillor Brian Robinson to whom we are very grateful for their contributions and continued support.

It has been an extremely busy and active year with regular items relating to Planning matters, Highways Issues and Crime and Police concerns. Coupled with this has been a perception that more and more activities are being imposed on Parish Councils as a result of enforced cuts in finance at both County and District levels.

From the point of view of Planning we remain committed, where possible, to retaining the historic and open landscape of the Area and are grateful for the advice given by Cllr Burford on these matters. Sixteen applications have been received during the year including two contentious submissions, namely, a proposal by Vodafone to erect a 5 metre high mast in the centre of the Village and an application by a Gypsy family to develop an encampment at Straight Lane – both of which were refused by the District Council.

The Parish Council regularly reports and discusses Highway issues such as road surfaces, drainage, potholes and other maintenance issues to the County Council and/or Messr’s Amey, the appointed contractors. Unfortunately repairs/improvements are not always completed as quickly as one would like. By way of example both Corse and Staunton Parish Councils still await a promised safety survey of road conditions along the main A417 road including the mini roundabout and school crossing.

Concerns expressed by Parishioners regarding crime in the area centre mainly on burglaries such as garden machinery, Quad bikes and agricultural equipment etc. From a Police point of view there has been a change to our local PCSO’s arrangements and we are very pleased to welcome Josh Griffiths. The new Alert Notification Service coupled with Neighbourhood Watch initiatives has helped in providing more information to parishioners than hitherto.

Continuing our practice of financially supporting local groups the Council made awards to Playing Fields Committee, Village Hall, Church, Scouts, SCATS, Brownies and Neighbourhood Watch. The Council also financed the purchase and installation of a defibrillator at the Sports Pavilion.

My thanks my fellow councillors for their continued contributions and hard work during the year. Thanks also Cllr Bas Allen, Chairman of Staunton Parish Council, for his support on issues that affect whole of the community. Similarly I would thank our Parish Clerk, Vicky Roberts who continues to provide us with excellent service. It has been a pleasure to work with her. Finally I am pleased to report that as a result of careful budgeting and expenditure control that the precept for 2018/2019 remains the same as for the present year i.e. £4200.00.

Staunton Parish Council – Chairman’s Report

Report from Cllr Allen:

This has been a year of changes and achievements. We lost 3 Councillors when Jane & Jim Rose moved west & Gill Burford also left the area. I record our grateful thanks for their valued contributions in support of the Council & its aims during their service.

I was fortunate when Don Peach, Dave Williams and Liz Bradbury agreed to become Councillors bringing their own individual talents with them. Grace Millar also joined us this year as our Clerk rapidly bringing us up to date with the current rules & regulations which change year on year. Grace has embarked on an agreed training programme which will ensure she can keep us all in order, especially me, for years to come. Grace & Vicky (Corse PC Clerk) get on well & sort out the website between them.

Parish Councils act as a conduit or a communication link between Parishioners & the District Council & should represent the views of the majority, which is sometimes difficult to ascertain, however, planning issues usually give a clear indication of Parishioners views. The recent application for a Gypsy Site led to a Public Meeting in this Hall attended by so many people that many could not get in. Over a 100 attended with just 1 brave person in favour. We always offer an open invitation and a warm welcome to our Parish Council Meetings to anyone from our Community as anything that happens in Staunton & Corse affects us all as I have just illustrated.

During the year numerous other Planning Applications have been processed, Highway matters dealt with & the Speed Sign by the Prince of Wales maintained. We feel that the Sign does contribute to slower speeds but mainly people/strangers travelling through our Community as many residents, regretfully, ignore it.

Two permanent problems affecting all Councils nationwide are Dog Poo & Litter & with regard to the later we are very lucky indeed to have a number of kind souls who volunteer to go out & clear up rubbish dumped or thrown out of cars by Morons driving through our Community. I am able to provide Bags & equipment should anyone else be able to assist. This Council is very grateful to you for your efforts during the year.

I learnt when in business, and it also applies when running a Council, that to achieve anything worthwhile you need to have a good team around you & in that regard I have been blessed.

Our major achievement this year was to complete the total renovation of the War Memorial at St James Church Staunton.

Following a lengthy & well-advertised drive to raise funds we were heartened to receive some significant donations from members of our Community. We also decided to raise funds ourselves, as opposed to trying to get grants, as we did not wish others to dictate or control a Project so personal to this Community.

Your Councillors worked hard as a team raising funds in various ways including the highly successful Calendar which had to have a second print run thanks to Jane & Jim’s efforts. Mat got on his Bike for his sponsored rides & everyone joined in for our very popular quiz nights in the Swan.

This Project was very personal to me as it was Mike Bradbury who wanted us to undertake & complete the restoration prior to the end of the First World War commemorations this year. Sadly we lost Mike to cancer before the project started but shortly before Mike left us I made him a personal promise to see his wishes carried out.

We are very proud of the end result which will enable everyone, for many years to come, to pay their respects to those brave souls who gave their lives so that we can enjoy ours. We have raised & spent some £8,000 completing the Project & have decided to add another 19 names that were omitted when the Memorial was first erected.

We will continue to raise around £1,500 a year via our Quiz Nights and spend the money within the Community. My grateful thanks go to my Vice Chair Jayne & the whole Staunton team for their loyalty, help & support throughout the year.


10.Reports from Local Groups:

Cricket Club

*Cllr Bruce was unable to attend the meeting and did not provide a report. *


Football Club

Report from Cllr T. Jones:

This season Staunton & Corse F.C. decided to move from the Cheltenham league back to the North Glos league as it was felt that it might give us better chances of promotion to the Northern senior league.

The 1st X1 are presently 3rd in the premier division and also in the semi finals of the hospital cup. If they can finish in the top two then promotion is a possibility and a successful application has already been approved for our facilities by the Northern senior League.

The 2nd X1 are top of division three and have already secured a place in the Charities cup final.

The veterans team are top of their division and reached a county cup semi final but were beaten by a younger side.

The super vets have finished near the bottom of their division but as it was our first season we were happy with our performance to date.

The league has expanded the season well into May due to all of the bad weather so all teams have a lot still to play for.

A possible three teams being promoted and two cup finals.

With the drainage works done on our pitch and all of the other hard work done to keep it playable our home season will finish in April and a big thankyou to all that have helped this season.

St Margaret’s Church

Report from Claudia Gough:

Claudia Gough reported that in the past year St Margaret’s Church has held one wedding, four funerals and one christening.

The church has also had maintenance work completed during the past year, however this is still ongoing.



Report from Cllr M. Jones

SCATS continue to perform and raise money towards newer stage equipment. In 2017 we performed a murder mystery which was well attended. In August we held our family fun day on the Prince of Wales Lawn, comprising of various stalls, with kind permission of Bernard Newman.

We postponed our pantomime at Christmas due to stage refurbishment which is ongoing. However we will perform it this year 2018 instead; also we will be organising our family day again at the Prince of Wales.

We performed a murder mystery last Friday + had over 81 people attend.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank both Parish Councils for their continued donations.

St James’ Church – *Additional guest*

Report from Margaret Barclay:

On behalf of Staunton Parochial Church Council, I wish to thank Staunton Parish Council for their generous donation to us which will be used for the maintenance of the Churchyard.

It has been a year of change at St James’ with new Church Wardens – who have risen well to the somewhat daunting task. Sadly, we have lost several of our members and good friends but, looking forward, we were pleased to welcome new faces and visitors from around the country and abroad.

The restoration of the local War Memorial has been much admired and many visitors have viewed it. A thanks to the Parish Council for raising the money and overseeing the valuable work scheme.

We do our best to keep the Church maintained and welcoming and anyone can visit during the day for a time of quiet reflection.


Report Read by June Chaffey on Behalf of Tim Brown:

As can be seen in our annual report the 1st Staunton and Corse Scout Group are a very successful and very active local group supporting local youngsters from the age of 6 through to 18 years.

Currently we have 68 girls and boys in the group supported by 11 warranted adult leaders, 4 sectional assistants and 4 young leaders.

The highlight of our year is our summer camp when we usually take around 40 cubs and scouts on a 5 night camp to a Scout camp site in the South West or Wales.

This year our summer camp will take place in August at the Silver Cross Scout Centre near Swansea where we will be doing traditional scouting activities.

Our objective is to make Scouting, and camp in particular, available to all no matter what background or financial circumstances and as such if any parent feels that the charge for camp or any other Scouting activity is or could be a prohibitor to their youngster(s) taking part then we do try to subsidise those families.

Last year our major expenditures were: £3600 on new equipment, £2700 on capitation and £2600 on insurance.

These are all documented in the draft accounts made available to the secretary.

As such on behalf of our Scout Group we would value the committee’s financial support by a donation of such an amount that the committee considers appropriate towards the cost of equipment replacement, associated running and premises costs as well as subsidising those youngsters less fortunate than ourselves.


Report Read by Cllr Fuller on Behalf of Sarah Fuller:

Firstly, I apologise for not being present this AGM. I would like to convey my thanks once again to both Councils for their continued financial support. The 1st Staunton and Corse Brownies prides itself in keeping costs down for parents whilst offering a first-class traditional teaching of the Brownie Adventure. Thank you.

It has been another busy year for 1st Staunton and Corse Brownies with trips ranging from RIAT Fairford to Bugs Boarding and District activities at TRAC near Newent. Badges achieved include Artist, Communicator, Entertainer, and Healthy Heart. The Brownies were visited by Reg and his Guide Dog Bruce and puppy-in-training Questa and learnt about the importance of the Guide Dog Association. They also experimented with special lenses and experienced a range of visual impairments which gave them an appreciation of the disabilities. Toby came along and taught them about the mysteries of Space – they touched pieces of the Moon and Mars. They also viewed the Moon through a telescope.

The Brownies have also supported their community, attending the re-dedication of the War Memorial at Staunton and Remembrance Sunday. Thinking Day is another important day in the Guiding Calendar and Brownies learnt about Brownies around the world. They also dressed up as their favourite character for World Book Day and celebrated World Animal Day (along with a couple of dogs and some very fluffy hamsters).

More is planned for the next few months with more badgework, the enrolment of three new Brownies (the Unit is up to 13) and another District event at TRAC. We will also say goodbye to three Brownies in the summer who will turn 10 and hopefully move up to Guides.


Playing Fields

Report from by Cllr T. Jones on behalf of Cllr Bruce:

Cllr T. Jones reported that this is the first time in ten years that they have made a profit and that Corse Parish Council should expect a planning application in the coming weeks regarding the building of a new shed.


Staunton and Corse Academy

Report from Jon Tibbles:

The Academy currently has 103 pupils on roll in 4 mixed age classes. The Academy has been judged by Ofsted to be outstanding. Currently we collaborate with two other academies, Highnam and Redmarley, under an umbrella group called Primary Quest where we seek to benefit from economies of scale as well as other financial and teaching and learning opportunities.

As a school we believe in promoting an inclusive education for all children based on providing a broad and exciting curriculum as well as a Christian ethos and values.

Since taking over as Headteacher on the 1st January, the school has engaged in many and varied activities:

These include visits to the Steam Museum in Swindon, Gloucester Cathedral and The Everyman Theatre. We have been successful in reaching the next stage of the Gloucestershire Nature Quiz as well as offering a range of clubs including Rugby with Jack Petelo, Lego construction and Fizz Pop Science. We have also taken part in Gloucestershire Schools dance competition and Young Voices at the Genting Arena in Birmingham with thousands of other children. Today, we have 19 children on PGL residential near Weymouth.

Academically, we remain successful with children showing good levels of attainment and progress in Year 2 and Year 6.

We are in the process of developing a new vision and ethos for the Academy, a new website and a new assessment system. Life at the school is busy but purposeful and fulfilling. I very much welcome links with the community – please speak to me if you would like to visit the school.

Village Hall Committee

Report Read by Cllr Allen on behalf of Jane Cox:

WE ARE BUSY! Currently we have 21 groups a week in term time and it is likely that we will have another 2 groups joining soon.

The groups we have offer options for everyone. The new Boot Camp at 7.30am on Saturdays is taking off, Pilates, Circuits and Yoga are continuing, and the Dance Pointe group have extended the classes.

The Tai Chi group is really going well. People can be referred by the Doctors Surgery or you can just go along and pay. The Forest of Dean Council pay for the group as well as Falls Clinic – which people can only join through the Doctors Surgery. There is a waiting list for both groups and these are the groups who want to have another class. 

With so many people using the Hall we are having more children’s parties which is good. We are having dog training as well because of the Main Hall floor being sealed which means we can allow that.

The stage modernisation is getting there. The stage drawers should be ready soon and we are having the walls drylined and new curtains put up. We thank the people who have given their time freely to see this project through.

The new cinema is brilliant. Along with the Cine Nights we hold, groups are starting to book film nights. Tae Kwon have had one for the youngsters and the WI will be watching ‘Suffragette’ later this year.

The WI will be also be displaying a set of scenes from both villages that the members have embroidered. They will be in the Main Hall.

Thanks to all the people who join our 100 Club. We will be holding the Autumn Fayre again on Sunday 9th September this year alongside the Dog Show.

People to say thank you to is our small but dynamic committee, our brilliant cleaner, our handyman, our electrician and plumber who all help to keep the Hall going and Graham for mowing the grass. And a thank you to everyone who uses the Hall.

Dementia Enabler

Report from Sarah Davies:

Sarah reported that her role as a Dementia Friendly Community Enabler is to be funded for a second year.

She noted that 51 Dementia Awareness Sessions have taken place over the last year in the district.

Sarah then went on to explain that she is now working with a number of local businesses as well as Staunton and Corse Academy – which is the third primary school in the district to be working alongside a Dementia Friendly Community Enabler and is keen to work with more local groups and organisations.

Sarah also reminded all of the Health Bus which is coming to the Prince of Wales pub in Corse on Wednesday 23rd May.


11.Public Question Time – Corse Parish Matters Only

Claudia Gough stated her concern over the maintaince of the hedge at the end of Oridge Street leading onto the A417, it is now unsafe as the hedge is prohibiting drivers from having a clear view of oncoming traffic.

Cllr Davis stated that a letter has been sent to the owner of the hedge concerning this matter.



Public Question Time – Staunton Parish Matters Only

Cllr Fuller voiced his concern over the possibility of the School Crossing Patrol Officer’s position on the busy A417 being questioned due to the financial viability of the role.

Jon Tibbles, the Headmaster of Staunton and Corse CofE Academy explained that he has recently received two complaints, one of which concerning an individual who drove around the School Crossing Patrol Officer in the road as she was helping people to cross.

County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive assure all that the financial viability of the role is not being questioned, only their safety.

The School Crossing Patrol Officer noted the registration number of the car which drove around her in the road and has passed it onto PCSO Timmins who said house visits were made to those concerned.


Cllr Fuller has also expressed his feelings that a road safety survey and our current road safety measures are not entirely effective and that more needs to be done.

Both Councils discussed this in detail with a number of suggestions being made:


District Councillor Clayton Williams suggested that the A417 running alongside the Corse BP Garage should be double white lined as this road has been the place of many accidents over recent years, especially with many using the junctions along this road.

District Councillor Philip Burford also suggested the installation of speed cameras opposite the BP garage.

Lastly, Cllr Peach suggested the installation of an accident black spot sign which could be effective for people who are new to the area and the road.


District Councillor Clayton Williams voiced his view that this specific stretch of the A417 is dangerous due to confusion regarding the junctions on it and not because of speed.


The safety of all using the mini roundabout in Staunton was also discussed. Cllr Allen reinforced the urgent need for the road safety survey results as a starting block.


12.Closure of Meeting by Chairman

Cllr Allen thanked all for attending and formally closed the meeting at 8:45pm.


The meeting finished at 8:45pm

Signed:                                                                                  Date: