Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2023

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 8:27pm

Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, B. Allen, D. Williams, P. Burford (District Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), and 1 Parishioner.

1. Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Millar welcomed all present.

2. Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Fuller and County Councillor, Gill Moseley.

3. Declarations of Interest

None declared.

4. To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023.

The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023 were proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Williams to be accepted as a true record.

5. Footpaths

Cllr Williams reported the following:

GST35 needs resurfacing, with works already begun by Parishioners hoping to complete in the next 2-3 weeks.

GST39 ultimately also requires resurfacing. The broken telegraph pole wire and the car in the hedge along this pathway are also to be rectified in due course.

GST32 needs resurfacing and is of higher priority than GST39, although resources for this job are potentially an issue. County Councillor, Gill Moseley to be contacted regarding any potential for funding opportunities.

GST14 right of way has been blocked, with several complaints now received from Ramblers groups. Cllr Williams to follow this issue up with Suzanne Hopes, Public Rights of Way Officer.

6. Community Hub

Due to Cllr Fuller’s absence no updates were provided. It was agreed to move this item to Staunton Parish Council’s July meeting.

7. Village Litter Picking

It was reported that two litter picks have taken place in the last six weeks, with problem bins in the layby outside of Staunton Church now being regularly emptied. Although improving, the issue of dog mess throughout the Village is still an issue.

8. General Power of Competence

Following a discussion, it was agreed by all Councillors that Staunton Parish Council meets the required criteria to adopt the General Power of Competence. This was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Peach.

9. Finance

Council to receive a report following the most recent internal finance check:

Cllr Williams reported that following the most recent internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records, there were no issues to raise, and all records are in good order.

To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 14th March 2023

Link to report

Council to discuss and approve donation requests received

 After a discussion took place, the following donations were agreed by all Councillors:

 Playing Fields - £300

 Corse and Staunton Village Hall - £300

 Scouts - £100

 Brownies - £100

 SCATS - £100

 This was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Allen.

Following a donation request towards the St James’ Churchyard maintenance fund, further clarification is to be sought regarding the legalities before a donation is approved.

10. Audit 2022/2023

Council to declare an exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review

All Councillors approved that Staunton Parish Council meets the requirements to declare exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review. All documentation was duly signed.

To approve Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023

All Councillors approved Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023, which was completed and duly signed.

To approve Section 2: Accounting Statements 2022/2023 for Staunton Parish Council

All Councillors approved Section 2: Accounting Statements 2022/2023, which was duly signed.

11. Planning

An update to be provided regarding ongoing planning enforcement issues in the Parish

At this time no further updates were able to be provided.

To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements

Link to report

12. Any other business

No items were raised.

13. Public Participation

A worry was expressed by a Parishioner concerning the rate at which both Staunton and Corse are receiving planning applications and the resulting concentration of houses in the area.

The meeting finished at 9:33pm

Signed: Date: