Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Tuesday

2nd April 2019 at the Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.




Dear Councillors and all members of the community

You are hereby invited to attend the next annual Parish meeting which has been arranged for Tuesday 2nd April 2019, at 7.30pm in the Annexe, Corse and Staunton Village Hall for the transaction of business in the following Agenda. Members of the Council are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities, Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

Vicky Roberts                                                 Grace Millar

Clerk to Corse Parish Council                          Clerk to Staunton Parish Council

Date: 26/03/2019                                                                                                      


1.     Welcome by Cllr Norman Davis, Chairman of Corse Parish Council and Cllr Jayne Millar, Vice Chairman of Staunton Parish Council


2.     Apologies for Absence Corse Parish Council and Staunton Parish Council


3.     Corse - County Councillor’s Report                                  Cllr B Robinson


4.     Corse - District Councillor’s Report                                  Cllr P Burford


5.     Staunton - County Councillor’s Report                             Cllr W Windsor-Clive


6.     Staunton - District Councillor’s Report                             Cllr C Williams


7.      Corse - Police Report                                                     A report will be circulated to Cllrs

and will be available on the Parish Council website


8.     Staunton - Police Report                                                 PCSO Peter Timmins


9.     Corse Parish Council Chairman’s Report                           Cllr N Davis

Staunton Parish Council Chairman’s Report                     Cllr J Millar


10.  Reports from Local Groups.

·       Cricket Club                                                      Cllr G Bruce

·       Football Club                                                    Cllr T Jones

·       St Margaret’s Church                                        A report will be read out

·       S.C.A.T.S                                                           Cllr M Jones

·       Scouts                                                              June Chaffey

·       Brownies                                                          Cllr J Millar

·       Playing Field                                                     Cllr G Bruce

·       Staunton and Corse Academy                            Cllr G Bruce

·       Village Hall Committee                                      Mrs J Cox

·       Dementia Enabler                                             Mrs Sarah Davies

·       Staunton and Corse PPG                                    PPG Representative


11.  Public Question Time - Corse Parish matters only

Public Question Time – Staunton Parish matters only


12.  Closure of Meeting by Chairman