Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Staunton Councillors:
J. Millar, D. Williams, D. Peach, E. Bradbury, A. Fardon, C. Williams (District Councillor), W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor) and G. Millar (Clerk).
Corse Councillors:
N. Davis (Chairman), G. Bruce, T. Jones, D. Preston, B. Buck, P. Burford (District Councillor) and V. Roberts (Clerk).
Other Invited Guests:
Sarah Davies, Malcolm Harley and June Chaffey
7 Parishioners
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Davis, Chairman to Corse Parish Council welcomed all present. He explained Cllr Allen’s absence and passed his condolences to the family, before explaining that Cllr Millar shall be chairing the meeting on his behalf.
2. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Allen, Cllr Mike Jones, Cllr Fuller, Susan Knox, PCSO Peter Timmins, PCSO Josh Griffiths, Jane Cox and Tim Brown.
3. Corse – County Councillor’s Report
Cllr Robinson did not attend the meeting and did not provide a report.
4. Corse – District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Burford was unable to provide a report due to the Purdah period.
5. Staunton – County Councillor’s Report
County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive reported to all that there is a county wide issue regarding children’s services and adult care which Gloucestershire County Council are currently working to address.
Regarding highways matters, it is an ongoing project to lift the problem area of the A417 through Maisemore to aid flood prevention, with £150m to be spent over the next four years to fix problem roads in Gloucestershire.
6. Staunton – District Councillor’s Report
District Councillor Clayton Williams was unable to provide a report due to the Purdah period.
7. Corse – Police Report
PCSO Josh Griffiths was unable to attend the meeting, however the Newent Neighbourhood Policing Team Report was provided which can be found on the joint Staunton Parish Council and Corse Parish Council website.
8. Staunton – Police Report
PCSO Peter Timmins was unable to attend the meeting, however the Newent Neighbourhood Policing Team Report was provided which can be found on the joint Staunton Parish Council and Corse Parish Council website.
9. Corse Parish Council – Chairman’s Report
It has been an extremely busy and active year with a wide range of activities discussed by Members. The Council held 8 meetings in total comprising 6 Bi - Monthly Meetings, the Annual General Meeting and as today an Annual Parish Meeting. Fortunately, these meetings have been regularly attended by our District Councillor, Philip Burford and also when possible by our County Councillor, Brian Robinson.
The Parish council has worked closely with partner agencies such as Staunton P.C. and Police to keep our villages as the safe, clean and peaceful communities which we sometimes take for granted. Within our statutory limitations we have aimed to control development to ensure we grow at a sustainable rate that will allow our future generations to enjoy the benefits of remaining part of the Village community.Not surprisingly therefore, the most widely discussed issues centered on Planning Considerations, Highway Maintenance, Police and Crime concerns. Coupled with this has been the inevitable demands to maintain in good condition our own assets and facilities such as the Village Pound, Bus Shelter, Notice Boards, Telephone Kiosk etc.
In respect of Planning we remain committed, where possible, to retaining the historic and open landscape of the area and are very grateful for the advice given by knowledgeable Members on these matters. We will always attempt to ensure that while accepting the need for housing and business development, we do not allow the parish to grow beyond its means.
We have and continue to petition the County Council over the state of the highways in our area, in particular noting the abysmal state of the B4211 Worcester Road from the junction with the B4213 and several of our minor roads that are in a desperate state of repair.
We liaise regularly with Gloucestershire Constabulary over key issues such as rural crime and the high rate of theft of Quadbikes, Motorbikes and power-tools from our farms and more vulnerable properties. It is vital to remember however that we live in a comparatively low crime area with few safeguarding issues and certainly none of the serious incidents we see highlighted in national newspapers and which occur in many towns and cities.
The Parish Council remain key supporters of our local groups including the Village Hall, Playing Fields, Scouting Organisations, SCATS and in maintaining Neighbourhood Watch. We are always keen to support community groups and invite anyone seeking to setup inclusive groups or clubs to work with us to ensure citizens of all ages can continue to flourish and enjoy life in our parish.
Control of our financial situation is achieved by regular assessments of income and expenditure carefully monitored by our Clerk. It is very pleasing to confirm that the Council Precept has for the last 2 years remained at £4200.00 per annum.
Finally, my thanks as always, goes out to my fellow councilors who work hard throughout the year to keep our council running for the good of all, and to our Parish Clerk Vicky Roberts who puts in so much time to ensure all council matters are ready for consideration. I would also like to extend my thanks to the Chairman and members of Staunton Parish Council, who work with us on so many areas of common interest. At a time of uncertainty and discord within our country, it is a genuine pleasure to live in, and work on behalf of, such a peaceful and stable part of our land.
Staunton Parish Council – Chairman’s Report
(In Cllr Allen’s absence this report was read by Cllr Millar.)
This has been a year of great achievements for Staunton Parish Council despite several personal tragedies for our Clerk, Vice- Chair & Chairman. So, I would like to record my thanks to all the Councillors for their team work which has ensured the work of the council could prove so successful within the Community.
The major achievement which was completed this year has been the extensive restoration of the War Memorial. This was only made possible through the support and generosity of Staunton Parishioners and their friends who raised the £8,000 from personal donations and attending our regular fund-raising quiz nights at The Swan.
The final stage of this work was made possible by the research undertaken by Councillor David Williams who was able to confirm an additional 26 names of the men who were involved in the 1st & 2nd World Wars, and we felt strongly they needed to be recorded on the War Memorial. So, the Parish Council took on the challenge and decided to commission two new granite plinths inscribed with the missing names, which sit proudly in place. We also purchased a full sized ‘There But Not There’ metal silhouette Tommy figure, which was fixed in position at the War Memorial, giving a modern addition to this restoration project.
We were able to meet our obligations in time to commemorate the 100th year anniversary of the end of the First World War, for that you all have our sincere thanks and appreciation.
As a consequence of the renovation we are very proud to announce that we have received notice that our War Memorial has now been awarded Grade II Listed Building status.
Some other important areas which concern both Parish councils ... one being safety on the roads & lanes through the villages. We have our SID (speed indicator device) in a very useful location by the school & we have now purchased a pair of white village gateways to help emphasis the 40mph speed limit when driving along the A417 from the direction of Ledbury. I know CPC are purchasing a SID to support the safety of the village which is very welcome.
The absence of a Post Office which was essential for both villages and beyond since October 2017 has been a huge loss, but finally we have managed to negotiate a solution for the short term based in Staunton Garden Centre. This will open for business at 12pm on Tuesday April 30th operate on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 12-2pm on both days. This will be operated by the postmaster from Highnam Post Office and will hopefully help our community as the demand is always there.
We have of course been undertaking regular Parish Council business throughout the past year which has involved many planning applications of varying complexities. This is of course essential when attempting to conserve our heritage assets within a Chartist settlement.
My grateful thanks go to the whole Staunton team for their loyalty, help and support throughout the year.
10.Reports from Local Groups:
Cricket Club
A great season last year, not only due to the fantastic summer but also the playing success of all the teams. The first eleven have been promoted back into the west of England premier league (Gloucester division) and are looking forward to the new season despite playing teams such as Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Cirencester. We have been fortunate to obtain the services of our second overseas player and welcome Brad from New Zealand in mid-April.
The second eleven just missed out on promotion and the thirds had their most successful season. The junior teams (we had over 60 signed up), all did well although there is a trend as other teams seem to struggle to field teams consistently each week which is disappointing to our juniors. I’m proud to announce that our club has provided a player to the senior Gloucestershire ladies team. Cerys King is an exciting young player and has come up through the junior ranks which is a complement to our coaches.
We have one of the best wickets in the area and was voted best in the county league which is testament to our Groundsman Colin Gittings. He has decided to take more of a back seat this year, so his duties have been split across the club under his watchful eye. If anyone is interested in helping out, please give me a shout.
A big thank you to all the helpers, coaches and parents who support our club and we look forward to seeing them all in the forthcoming season.
Football Club
It could all have gone horribly wrong by the time I read this, but at the moment the First team sit in pole position in the North Gloucestershire League Premier Division, having gone to nearest rivals Broadwell Amateurs Reserves and beaten them 4-0. Broadwell are six points behind with three games in hand, so we are relying on them dropping points in their six remaining games, but at this stage in the season it is better to have the points in the bag rather than games in hand.
The Reserves in Division 2 are also engaged in a two-horse race for the championship having lost only one game in the league all season. We are three points behind Ellwood with a game in hand, but they still have to play us at Corse, so it is in our hands.
The Youth team have finished their season and can look back on a great performance all round finishing mid table a great achievement by all. We have some decisions to make for the next season but are hopeful that most of the under 16s will form the basis of a new Staunton & Corse third team, to play in open age football.
The Veterans (over 40s) have struggled with player availability this season and are languishing in the bottom half of Division 1.
The two Super Veteran sides (over 50s) are both mid table but with plenty of games still to play can improve greatly.
St. Margaret’s Church
No report was provided due to ill health, however Cllr Davis recalled that St. Margaret’s Church wishes to install a new cold water tap and toilet block in the near future.
(Corse Parish Council Clerk, Vicky Roberts read the report in Cllr Mike Jones’ absence.)
In 2018 S.C.A.T.S put on and performed a murder mystery evening along with a ploughman’s supper and this was well attended. In December we performed an in house written comedy, which was set in a holiday hotel, this was well received though numbers were down on the previous year.
We have recruited three new members which gave us a bigger cast, but we are still looking to recruit more.
As I write this, we are currently rehearsing for our next murder mystery which takes place on May 17th, also we have yet another new member.
We would like to give thanks to Corse & Staunton Parish Councils for their annual donations this is vital for us to improve the stage and future productions
It’s good to report that we continue to be a successful and thriving group.
We have a strong team of 13 adult leaders made up of 5 scout, 6 cub and 2 Beaver leaders plus we have 8 young leaders helping each week - one helping with scouts, 3 helping with cubs and 4 helping with the Beaver colony.
Current numbers: 22 scouts, 23 cubs and 21 Beavers.
There is a big waiting list for Beavers, but few are Beaver age at the moment.
Highlight of our scouting year was the Annual Scout and Cub camp. In August 2018 we took 17 cubs and 7 scouts to “Silver Cross Scout Centre” near Swansea. Fewer scouts than usual but they were a really good keen bunch and a credit to the leaders.
This was an excellent location for a scout and cub camp with woodland surrounding the site and lots of on-site activities for the youngsters to get involved in.
As like last year 6 leaders drove to Swansea the day before as an advance party to erect tents and marquees before the youngsters arrived on the Sunday.
August 2019 we are booked into “Braggers Wood Scout Camp Site” in Dorset. Again, open to all members of the group aged 8 and over.
We try to encourage our youngsters to take part in 4 church services each year. There are 2 services we insist on them attending: the Service of Remembrance at Staunton Church and St George’s day at Maisemore – St George being the patron saint of scouting.
Being part of any organisation has its commitments and the leaders feel that these two services are part of that commitment. We do appreciate parents encouraging their youngsters to attend.
We have a small but enthusiastic executive committee led by Richard Padfield that supports our group with fund raising and ensuring we have enough funds to run a successful scout group. Running our group doesn’t come cheap so we appreciate the work done by the executive committee.
Our major outlay is as always Capitation which cost us just under £3000 each year
Some of the fund-raising activities this past year have included a barn dance, erected marquees at the Ashleworth show, Christmas raffle, Easter Bingo and Bags 2 School.
Only one major purchase of kit this past year. This was a party tent to replace our oldest tent which had been leaking water.
The only other major purchase for 2019 is the replacement and upgrade of the heating in the scout hut this summer. The ones we have are over 30 years old and apart from being very inefficient they are also very expensive to run.
(Cllr Millar read report in Cllr Fuller’s absence)
1st Staunton and Corse Brownies has had another successful and busy year. Two Brownies left in the Summer to join Newent Guides and there are currently 15 Brownies. We have started the transition to the new Girlguiding Programme which aims to link Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers through common themes and skills builders. This has incurred additional cost as new books and badges have to be bought. Brownies have again enjoyed pond-dipping, grass-sledging, being out in Hasfield wood, as well as a sleep-over at Newent Library and supporting Remembrance Sunday. Hits the Spot is also supporting the Unit, with therapists running sessions on herbs, meditation and gong therapy.
Sarah Fuller continues as sole Leader with a Parents' Rota to ensure a safe environment, however she really needs a Co-Leader to help with the planning and running of the Unit, particularly with the additional bureaucracy introduced by the new Programme. Attempts to gain additional support have so far been unsuccessful. Without long-term support she will not be able to continue running the unit due to Health & Safety proportionality of adults to Brownies.
Plans for the next few months include more activities derived from the new Programme, achieving the 'Mindfulness' interest badge, attending RIAT, a possible sleep-over at the Scout Hut and more outside activities, e.g. cricket, once the evenings are lighter.
Playing Fields
I think you will all agree that we have a playing fields to be proud of. Over the winter we planted six new trees with the help of children from the school. Charlie Hulls obtained a grant of over £600 to buy the trees from the Tree council. We are very lucky to have his expertise for over the last 20 years or so as he has obtained over £600k worth of grants, not only for the playing fields but both cricket and football clubs. He has just secured some more money to buy additional solar panels. The biggest worry to the playing field committee and has been for at least 30 years are the ever-rising costs. For example, the gang mowers have just been repaired/serviced at a cost of £700.
Luckily, we rely on volunteers to look after the field and pavilion which help to keep costs to a minimum but rely heavily on donations from both parish councils which we are extremely grateful. The 200 club still is our largest source of income and at time of writing, as renewals are due, we will still be a 200 club but still short of last year’s total of 240. So, if you haven’t renewed or would like to join just let me know.
Our next project subject to finance is to replace the unsightly sea containers in the corner of the field with a purpose-built workshop/shed.
So, in conclusion, a big thank you to all our volunteers, 200 club members and parish councils for their continued support.
Staunton and Corse Academy
(Cllr Bruce read a report written by Headmaster Jon Tibbles)
Staunton and Corse Academy continues to thrive. We have 109 children on roll and four classes with split age groups. The Governing Body remains strong and supportive at a time when the Academy is moving into a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with Highnam Academy, Redmarley Academy and Hartpury Primary School. This should commence in September 2019.
The school plays an active role in the community and has maintained and forged links with the local Diocese, Cricket Club, Hartpury Fringe Festival, The Swan, local PCSOs, Fit Active Children, Hartpury College and other local schools. We actively seek new links and members of the community to work with our school in a variety of roles which can benefit the children.
We remain an Outstanding Academy as judged by OFSTED in 2015 and our SATs results last year showed a good level of progress made by the children between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Teaching staff and support staff continue to work many hours in order to provide the best education and welfare for the children at the Academy. They also have undertaken extensive training over the last year to further improve teaching and learning skills.
Some new developments have taken place at the Academy and include a new vision and values for the Academy which is becoming increasingly embedded in everyday life at the school. A new tracking and assessment system which enables staff to focus their teaching on areas which children have found difficult, intervention for SEN groups and other groups of children, a focus on wellbeing of children and staff, promoting a love of reading and of course the transition to MAT.
As an Academy we are always looking to enrich our curriculum, and this will be our main priority in the coming year. If you would like to work with us in any capacity, please feel free to contact me at school.
Village Hall Committee
(Cllr Millar read report in Jane Cox’s absence)
It has been a very busy 12 months’ again with 20 groups a week.
Party’s on Friday evenings have almost gone. Rena’s & Malcolm’s dances are still with us and we have the Cinema once a month. This year we have seen more people coming to the cinema. The equipment that we have is excellent.
Sadly, the Rock n Rollers will be leaving at the end of the year, but I been approached by a Jazz group.
We are focusing on the stage at the moment. We have the new curtains and need to sort out the other curtains. We also want to dryline the walls. After that it is sorting out the surface of the stage. We want to buy the under-stage drawers but they are expensive so we will be looking for funding.
The Autumn Show was successful. We had so many people and they cleared all the hot food in 3 hours. We had quite a few people wanting Vegan and gluten free meals. We accommodated some but not all so this year we will have something for everyone.
We have 2 weddings coming in this year both from the village.
We have two dog groups in regularly. One is Scent Dogs and the other Dog Training. The Mammal Society were here again.
The WI Spring Show was great, and they have been using our kitchen when they are catering off site.
Looking ahead to the end of this year we only have 7 days with nothing on … yet!
People to say thank you to is our small but dynamic committee, our brilliant cleaner, handyman, electrician and plumber who all help to keep the Hall going and Graham for mowing the grass at the front.
Thank you to everyone who uses the Hall.
Dementia Enabler
· This year’s funding has been received by the Clinical Commissioning Group and runs from July 2018 to July 2019.
· We are awaiting news on the funding from the Clinical Commissioning Group for 2019 – 2020 period. We are hoping to confirm one way or another by the end of April.
· Regardless of funding the project will be sustainable:
o No funding – we have a number of Community Dementia Links throughout the District who have volunteered following Enablers Awareness Sessions etc. They have received some FREE training to give them the tools and support that they need to achieve whatever they would like in their own communities.
o Funding – the five Enablers currently in post will remain, and will be working on several longer-term projects, and continuing to support communities in an active and visible way.
· The Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance has gone from strength to strength, and now has approximately 70 members, including people representing themselves, small businesses, large businesses, Parish Councils, interest groups, support groups, and many more. We did our first event last year where we invited all members of the Alliance to come and meet other people who are also in the Alliance to find out what we have been doing, meet professionals supporting, see how other people are becoming dementia friendly, and to generally network with others. This first event was amazing, and we are already working on another Event as per the feedback that was received.
· Thank you to all Parish Councils that have already joined. This is even more important at this moment in time where the Enablers are working at a much more strategic level than ever expected and working at County Level too. Parish Councils being supportive and invested in what we do is imperative to lever in further funding for our project with a view to expanding some of the resources in our District across the County to benefit all that are touched by Dementia in the County.
· Examples of things going on across the District
o Contacting schools – both Primary and Secondary and offering Free Dementia Friends and Dementia Awareness Sessions.
o Police – better links to provide training and support for officers on the ground and have worked with them to relaunch the Herbert Protocol.
o Fire – as with the police – the Chief Fire Officer has said that he wants everyone to have a free Safe and Well checks across the District.
o Doctors Surgeries – The Forest Cluster are currently undergoing a Dementia Friendly Surgeries Project. Unfortunately, Newent and Staunton surgeries do not fall under this Cluster, but Sarah has been working with and making links with them to try and push this forward too. Also support for Flu Clinics and other projects for the Patient Participation Groups etc.
o Local Volunteers (CDLs) – this is where our sustainability lies in the hearts of those who wish to give something back to their communities. Across the District we have support groups, and projects being achieved. Eg. Dog Days, Inclusive and accessible gardening, Couples Support Groups, Luncheon Clubs, and much more. If you would like the opportunity to volunteer in any capacity, please let Sarah know.
o Further resources developed: Schools Booklets / workbooks, leaflets, and of course the board game is still being purchased across the County too.
· We have a new Newsletter, and if anyone would like to receive this, please do let Sarah know either on 07772 060272 or email
· We have a couple of Facebook pages
o Forget Me Not – Sarah’s page to support her in her role in the Forest North.
o Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance – all Enablers use this to keep connected to those who have an interest in Dementia – anyone can follow this page if they so wish.
o Coming Soon – New Gloucestershire County Dementia Action Alliance
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, and for allowing me to come and speak to yourselves, I really appreciate it.
Staunton and Corse PPG
(Malcolm Harley read report in Susan Knox’s absence)
I am delighted to let you have the Chairs Report for 2018.
Every general practice should have a PPG. Staunton and Corse PPG acts as a link between the surgery and it’s patients as well as ‘critical friend’. PPG roles include advising on the quality and responsiveness of services, carrying out research and supporting self-care.
Nationally, PPG’s are affiliated to the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP) who provide useful information on national developments in the wider NHS, in general practice and what other PPGs are doing. Locally the PPG attends a Gloucestershire wide PPG Network and the TNS (Tewkesbury, Newent and Staunton) Locality meetings. The local meetings keep the PPG abreast of developments in our own county concerned with service development and improving patient access. They also allow us to feel confident that our practice is providing or planning best possible services for our patients.
In 2018, Sarah Bryant, new Practice Manager, came to the practice with 18 years of Practice Management experience. Improvements that Sarah has overseen this year include: Implementation of monthly protected learning time for all staff working at the practice; Clinical Pharmacist run medication reviews for patients taking four or more medicines; Prescription delivery service for housebound patients; Improved access to GP appointments by offering extra appointments for our patients at Staunton, Newent and Tewkesbury practices; Creation of additional consulting space.
Sadly Jane Evans, David Bubb and Roger Boaler resigned from the PPG this year for personal reasons. I would like to thank them for their support, especially Jane who was a longstanding member of many years. We have two new members– Jenni Fenech from Ashleworth who brings her experiences of being a carer to the group and Ella Newbould from Hartpury who is our first virtual member which means Ella inputs to the PPG via email rather than attendance at meetings! Ella is a student and a valuable representation of our younger population. (Unfortunately, Ella has decided that she no longer wishes to be part of the PPG)
We met six times in 2018. Sarah Bryant attended all our meetings, two of our meetings were joint meetings attended by Dr Whittle or Dr Chambers, Maggie Etheridge, Practice Nurse attended one of our meetings and Sarah Davies, Dementia Friendly Community Enabler (FOD) has attended a few meetings.
This year, to support self-care, we have collated a booklet identifying what activities are available within the practice catchment area for our older patients and their carers in an effort to combat loneliness. This information will be available in printed format during March 2019 and we plan to extend and enhance this publication if found useful.
We have also used the Surgery Newsletter, produced by the PPG, to promote self-care, for example launching a series of Self Help leaflets on managing common ailments without the Doctor for example: Coughs and Colds; Backpain; Headache; Indigestion; Hay fever. We have also written about Community Wellbeing Services and Online Patient Access Services.
Other activities the PPG has supported the surgery with in 2018 include: Providing help and support for the annual ‘flu clinic; updating the information on where local defibrillators are sited; set up a regular communication network with Parish Councils and Parish Magazines.
Membership is still biased towards older, retired patients and we have tried hard to recruit younger, working people and parents of small children. As a PPG we wish to ensure that all patients needs are being met by the practice and strongly encourage any of the latter group to contact us to become involved if they feel there are any gaps in service provision.
To end, I would like to thank all our PPG Members for their hard work, ideas and contributions over the last year: Malcolm Harley, Vice Chair; Norman Davies; John Leask; Donald Peach; Ann Watkins; Jenni Fenech and Ella Newbould.
11.Public Question Time – Corse Parish matters only
Cllr Davis stated that the main ongoing projects and responsibilities for Corse Parish Council are painting the telephone box, benches, repairing the Village pound, and the purchase of a speed indicator device.
Cllr Davis also informed all that the Yew Tree Cottage planning application has a S106 agreement attached to it, which is hoped to be used to build new tractor sheds at the playing fields.
Public Question Time – Staunton Parish matters only
It was asked whether Staunton and Corse Surgery will be able to cope with the prospect of all the new housing being built in the area. Malcolm Harley (Staunton and Corse PPG Representative) confirmed that the surgery has the capacity to cope with the additional consultation rooms.
It was also said that if you wish to book an appointment to see a specific doctor the estimated waiting time will be around 3 weeks.
Cllr Millar also informed all that during Staunton Parish Council’s next bi-monthly meeting due to be held on Tuesday 14th May 2019, the relocation and refurbishment of the mini roundabout in Staunton will be discussed and a decision reached.
12.Closure of meeting by Chairman
Cllr Millar thanked all for attending and formally closed the meeting.
The meeting finished at 8:30pm
Signed: Date: