Bi Monthly Meeting

Dear Councillors and all members of the community

You are hereby invited to attend the next Parish Council Meeting which has been arranged for Tuesday 8th May 2018, at 7.30pm in the Annexe, Corse and Staunton Village Hall.

Grace Millar

Clerk to Staunton Parish Council

Date: 30/04/18


1.     Chairman’s welcome


2.      Receive apologies


3.      Receive Declarations of Interest concerning agenda items   


4.     To confirm the minutes from the:

·      Previous Bi-Monthly Meeting held on 13th March

·      2017 Annual Parish Meeting

·      2018 Annual Parish Meeting

5.     Approval of audit documents – (Clerk):

Council to approve the 2017/2018 Annual Governance Report and the Accounting Statements.

6.     Approval of 2018/2019 budget – (Clerk): 

Council to approve the budget for 2018/2019.

7.     Quiz – (Chairman):

A reminder of the next quiz date to be given and the need for raffle prize donations.

8.     Post Office – (Vice Chairman):

An update to be given on the current status of the Staunton Post Office.


9.     Telephone Box – (Chairman):

To provide an update on the status of the Telephone Box in Corse.

10. War Memorial – (Cllr Williams):

To provide an update regarding the additional names to be added to the War Memorial and the work needed to complete this by October 2018.

11. Foot/Cycle Path proposal – (Chairman):

Council to discuss a proposal by Judy Bailey (A Corse resident) regarding the creation of a foot/cycle path between Staunton/Corse and the BP Petrol Station in Corse along the A417.

12. Highways – (Vice Chairman):

Due to the recent publication of the Safety Audit concerning the Village roundabout, Council to discuss options for improvement.

13. GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations – (Clerk): 

An outline of the new General Data Protection Regulations to be given and how their implementation will affect Staunton Parish Council.

14. Donations – (Chairman):

Councillors to agree on the recipients and amounts to be allocated. 

15. Staunton and Corse Patients Group – (Cllr Peach):

Council to receive Cllr Peach’s report from the last Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group meeting.


16. Finance – (Clerk):

To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 27th February 2018.


17. Planning – (Clerk):

To provide an update regarding planning applications, appeals and enforcements.


18. Any other business & Public participation


Date of next meeting – Tuesday 10th July 2018

Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of its function: Equal opportunities (race gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability), crime & disorder, health & safety & human rights.