Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; B. Allen (Chairman), J. Millar, D. Williams, D. Peach, A. Fardon, M. Fuller, L. Bradbury, C. Williams (District Councillor), W. Windsor-Clive (County Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), Invited Guest Speaker – Sarah Davies, and 2 parishioners.

1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Allen welcomed all present.


2.    Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Norman Davis, Corse Parish Council’s Representative.


3.    Declarations of Interest

None declared.


4.    To Confirm Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 were proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Fuller to be accepted as a true record.


5.    Website Provider Change

Grace Millar (Clerk) explained that the joint Staunton Parish Council and Corse Parish Council website is to change its website provider in early February. This is from to Freeola.

Freeola being more cost effective at £29.37 per year, per council rather than £35.81 per year, per council with Freeola will also be more user friendly, not only for those updating the website but also for those who wish to visit the website. 

Cllr Fuller also explained his correspondence with regarding the transfer of domain name to the new website provider. He has agreed to follow up his last message to to confirm whether the transfer has taken place yet.


6.    Quiz

Cllr Allen reported that £305 was made at the last quiz night on 15th November 2017 and it was a sell-out event.  

All Councillors were reminded of the need for raffle prizes and any donations for this would be appreciated.

Cllr Allen then suggested that any available funds generated from recent quiz nights may be best spent purchasing granite slabs to place next to the War Memorial, so that extra names can be added.

All Councillors are in favour of this suggestion. Cllr Millar has agreed to contact stonemason Danny Hanby for a quote.

The deadline for additional War Memorial name submissions is the end of February – with Cllr Peach to put a final message regarding this in the February issue of the Parish Magazine.


7.    Post Office

Cllr Millar informed all of the planned closure of Ashleworth Post Office between 2nd – 9th April 2018.

 It was also explained that further contact has been made with the Post Office asking for an update regarding the Staunton Post Office Closure, and any temporary measures that could serve Staunton and Corse during Ashleworth Post Office’s closure.

 Cllr Millar then read out the response from the Post Office explaining that there is no further information regarding the closure of Staunton Post Office and unfortunately there are no temporary measures that they can provide us with in April, during Ashleworth Post Office’s closure.


8.    Planning Application ‘P1637/17/FUL’ Change of use of land to private gypsy and traveller caravan site

Cllr Millar informed all that this planning application is still pending consideration. She also stated that there have been over 80 contributors objecting to this planning application, with additional images of flooding to nearby areas of Straight Lane recently uploaded to the Forest of Dean District Council website.

 Cllr Millar then read out Staunton Parish Council’s letter of objection which was written and submitted on 7th December 2017 as a result of Corse Parish Council’s extra-ordinary meeting on 28th November 2017, regarding this planning application.


9.    Boundary Commission Review

Cllr Allen reminded all that submissions closed in December, and recapped our submitted suggestion of Corse, Staunton and Hartpury as one ward, with one District Councillor. The Boundary Commission will announce the planned actions in September 2018, for implementation in May 2019.


10. ‘P1731/16/TE’ Phone Mast

Cllr Millar stated that no progress has taken place with this planning application since our last Staunton Parish Council meeting in November 2017. The appeal is still pending consideration.

She also reminded all of Staunton Parish Council’s letter of objection that was submitted on 27th October 2017.

11.Staunton and Corse Patients Group

Cllr Peach was unfortunately unable to attend the Staunton and Corse Patients Group meeting on 3rd January 2018. However, he made everyone aware of the Staunton and Corse Surgery Patients Group Newsletter that is available to all.

It will be posted in the bus shelter and additional copies can be printed for anyone who wishes to acquire a copy.



 Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 01/11/17 – 29/12/17

 Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £5,969.54

 Payments in Period:

27/10/17         000769            Purchase of Poppy Wreath                 £25.00

06/11/17         000770            Clerk’s November Salary                    £153.92

06/11/17         000771            Clerk’s November Expenses               £21.67    

06/11/17         000772            Half Costs of Noticeboard                  £41.50

06/12/17         000773            Clerk’s December Expenses                £21.67

06/12/17         000774            Clerk’s December Salary                     £153.92

06/12/17         000775            Grass Cutting                                      £150.00 

TOTAL:                                                                                                 £593.68

Receipts in Period:


TOTAL:                                                                                                £0.00

Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For:            £5,375.8

Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:

27/10/17         000769            Purchase of Poppy Wreath                 £25.00

TOTAL:                                                                                               £25.00                                                                                    

Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries:                        £5,400.86

Statement of Account

Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 29/12/17:                                    £5,400.86

Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:

 06/01/18         000776            Clerk’s January Salary                         £153.92

06/01/18         000777            Clerk’s January Expenses                    £21.67

 TOTAL:                                                                                                 £175.59

 Balance After ALL Payments Clear:                                                   £5,200.27




New Dwelling - Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO COMMENT



Listed building consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension. Changes to fenestration and internal alterations. Removal of dilapidated sheds with the erection of two monopitch barns - Brandon Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG

Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION



14.Any other business & Public participation

Cllr Fardon has noted that the new drain on Moat Lane needs some maintenance work, and has also voiced his concerns regarding its location. After a discussion took place, it was agreed that an on-site Highways visit should take place with Cllr Allen, Cllr Millar and Cllr Fardon in attendance. Cllr Millar has agreed to contact Highways to arrange this.

Cllr Fardon also said that since our last Staunton Parish Council meeting in November, crime rates in the area have been good.

Cllr Allen stated that the stile on Stoney Lane has a big drop and is rather difficult to use safely. He has asked Cllr Fardon to investigate – with work to be done to it, if upon inspection it is deemed unsafe.

Cllr Allen also announced that both he and Cllr Millar are looking to step down from their respective Chairman and Vice Chairman roles by Summer 2018, to just act as Councillors for Staunton Parish Council. Subsequently he has asked all Staunton Parish Councillors for their interest in taking over the roles.


Staunton Parish Council invited Sarah Davies a Dementia Friendly Community Enabler to talk at our January meeting.

She works in her role to raise awareness around the illness and helps to support individuals with Dementia and those who care for them.  This can be achieved through the free community awareness sessions that she runs, which can be held whenever is most convenient for those who wish to attend.

Sarah also noted that she talks in a number of schools to also raise awareness of the illness, and has said that should be happy to speak at Staunton and Corse C Of E Academy. Cllr Fuller has agreed to contact the Academy to arrange this.

She has provided us with her business card which outlines the areas in which she works and her contact details. A copy of this will be displayed on our noticeboards.

Following her talk, Cllr Allen has suggested that a message be published in the Parish Magazine to bring attention to this important role and the associated work and goals they hope to achieve.

Sarah Davies has also arranged to contact Cllr Peach to provide further information regarding any upcoming awareness sessions.



The meeting finished at 8:45pm

Signed:                                                                                  Date: