Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2024

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe

Time: 7:30pm

Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Peach, D. Williams, B. Allen, J. Capper, M. Fuller, P. Burford (District Councillor), C. Williams (District Councillor), G. Millar (Clerk), and 1 Parishioner.


1.Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Millar welcomed all present.


2.Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from County Councillor, Gill Moseley and Corse Parish Council Representative Barbara Buck. 


3.Declarations of Interest

None declared.


4.    To confirm the minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2023

It was agreed by all Councillors that following an amendment to item 8, the minutes would be approved and accepted as a true record.


5.    County Councillor Report

No report due to absence.


6.    District Councillor Report

District Councillor, Philip Burford provided several updates following the most recent meeting of full Council.

The repatriation of works from Publica has now been approved.

The Forest of Dean District Council’s pay grading scheme has also been reviewed with some members of staff receiving pay increases. There is also to be a budget meeting in February where car parking charges are set to increase.

The Scrutiny Enquiry date has also provisionally been given for mid April.


7.    District Councillor Report

District Councillor, Clayton Williams reported that meetings are currently being held by Gloucestershire County Council regarding the raising of Maisemore to alleviate flooding issues. These works are projected to cost around £100m and would take place in around 4 years’ time. Mark Harper MP is also involved.


8.    Defibrillator

Following discussions and extensive research it was agreed by all Councillors that a maintenance contract will not be required for any device purchased by Staunton Parish Council, instead it was agreed that a secure check system would be devised and carried out by assigned individuals.

It was also agreed that a written agreement is to be sent to the Chamberlaynes in due course seeking a 2-year agreement for the installation of a defibrillator device at The Swan Community Hub.

There will be another fundraising event held at the end of January, with further information to be circulated on flyers and on Staunton Parish Council’s website.


9.    Footpaths

GST 32 – An extra surface layer is still to be added, however a whole resurface job subject to funds will hopefully be completed by Gloucestershire County Council.

GST 14 – Two new stiles have now been installed, and the footpath reopened.


10.Community Funded Fibre Project

Cllr Millar circulated information regarding the project that has been received by Staunton Parish Council, and it was agreed to pass the information to Parishioners as per request.


11.Councillor Advocacy Scheme

Cllr Millar explained the scheme to all and that a delegate from Staunton Parish Council has been requested.

It was agreed that Cllr Fuller is to be Staunton Parish Council’s representative, with the first meeting to take place on 16/01/24.


12.S106 Updates

Following clarification from Forest of Dean District Council, Staunton Parish Council has now notified the Playing Fields of the outstanding S106 funds available to them.

13. Finance

To present a bank reconciliation reporting all payments and receipts since 14th November 2023

Link to report

Council to receive report from the recently completed internal check of Staunton Parish Council’s financial records

Cllr Williams only had one item to highlight, whereby the pre-approved overspend on the Clerk’s budgeted salary for 2023/2024 was noted.


Council to discuss and approve 2024/25 budget and precept

Following a discussion, it was agreed by Councillors to research fundraising options for a new noticeboard and should be allocated for under budgeted reserves for 2024/25. The 2024/25 budget was then approved by all Councillors. This was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Fuller.

There was a majority agreement for a 10% increase in Staunton Parish Council’s precept that they will seek for 2024/25. This was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Fuller.


Council to discuss audit appointment letter received

It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Peach to accept and appoint Iain Selkirk as per the audit appointment letter received by Staunton Parish Council. The letter will be signed and returned as per instructions.


Link to report

15.Any Other Business

Cllr Fuller encouraged Staunton Parish Council to get involved with 80th anniversary of D-Day celebrations in June.

Cllr Millar notified all of the ongoing issues with Staunton Parish Council’s noticeboard, and that the company has been contacted and advise sought.

Cllr Allen noted that Staunton Parish Council’s Speed Indicator Device is currently out of order and to be re-installed soon. Our thanks to Phil Tasker for maintaining the device, although a replacement device should be a consideration for the future.


16.    Public Participation

No items raised.


The meeting finished at 9:03pm

Signed:                                                                                  Date: