Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2019
Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall Annexe
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Williams, B. Allen, A. Fardon, E. Bradbury, D. Peach, P. Burford (District Councillor), N. Davis (Corse Parish Council Representative), G. Millar (Clerk) and 3 Parishioners.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Millar welcomed all present.
2. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from District Councillor Brian Lewis, County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive and Cllr Fuller.
3. Declarations of Interest
None declared.
4. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2019
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2019 were proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Fardon to be accepted as a true record.
The minutes of the previous bi-monthly meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2019 were proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Bradbury to be accepted as a true record.
5. Matters Arising:
Park – Chartist Way
As Cllr Fuller was absent from the meeting an update could not be provided. However, any relevant updates regarding the planned maintenance shall be provided at future meetings of the Council.
6. Quiz
Cllr Allen stated that the next fundraising quiz night will be held on Wednesday 18th July 2019, with 46 people already booked in. A request for raffle prize donations was also made. Any raffle prizes should be donated by Tuesday 17th July 2019.
All Councillors have agreed to plan a September fundraising quiz night going forward, with increased advertising to be published a month ahead of the event.
7. Staunton Mini Roundabout
Cllr Millar reported that contact has been made with Andrew Middlecote the Local Highways Manager as well as County Councillor Will Windsor-Clive regarding the lack of work taking place after undertaking the recent road safety audit.
Cllr Millar also stated that Staunton Parish Council’s request for the mini roundabout to be relevelled and relocated has been rejected by Highways. However, increased road markings have been suggested by Highways as a possible option to further improve road safety in this area.
A site meeting with Highways is to be arranged to discuss these matters further.
The recent incident in Moat Lane was also highlighted where hedges and road signs were damaged by falling hay bales. Cllr Millar to contact Highways regarding a replacement road sign.
8. Footpaths
Cllr Williams updated all, saying that an audit of Staunton’s footpaths is underway, having already audited a quarter of footpaths. The full audit is to be completed ahead of the next full meeting of the Council on Tuesday 10th September 2019.
9. Donations
Cllr Millar stated that Staunton Parish Council has currently received donation request letters from Corse and Staunton Village Hall, S.C.A.T.S, Brownies and St. James’ Church.
After all Councillors discussed the donations to be given it was decided that the following amounts are to be donated:
Brownies - £100
S.C.A.T.S - £100
St. James’ Church - £250
Corse and Staunton Village Hall - £250
10. Staunton and Corse Patient’s Group
Precis of Staunton and Corse PPG Meeting of June 26th 2019
For Release to Parish Councils
We hope to make this a report a regular feature available to all Parish Councils in an effort to keep parishioners and patients up to date with changes and news from the Staunton and Corse Surgery. The Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets bi-monthly and acts as a ‘go between’ for patients and the Surgery. Parishioners should feel free to contact the PPG if they have questions or concerns about access to the Practice and how it is run. Contact is via the Suggestion Box in the foyer at the surgery or by email to We will insure that all queries are passed to the Surgery Manager, Sarah Bryant, who will then decide how best to deal with the individual issues. However, we should point out that any personal health issues MUST be addressed directly to the Surgery staff or your doctor.
Staffing Issues at the Surgery.
Clinical Pharmacist: Currently the Practice has Jackie Aberdeen visiting one day a week. Jackie is shared with other practices and due to internal pressure and the importance of this speciality within a busy modern practice, S&C Surgery is now advertising for a Clinical Pharmacist to be based at the Practice for 3.5/4 days per week. Patients who are prescribed four or more different medicines will normally be offered an appointment with the pharmacist to discuss dosing and management issues.
Dispensary Manager: This is a new appointment and from 8th July Kate Ferreira will take up the post. Kate comes with a wealth of experience in practice and dispensary matters with the remit of making the process of obtaining and collecting prescriptions more patient friendly. She will review how things are currently done and investigate possible improvements or enhancements to the services on offer.
Procedural Issues:
Telephone Lines: From the 1st July a new system is to be introduced. Contact with the Dispensary will remain the same, but all other lines will be open from 08:00hrs to 18:30hrs thus making it easier for many working patients to make an appointment.
Automatic Entrance Doors: Some patients have found access to the surgery difficult to manage due to the heavy doors. The Practice is not only concerned about this from the health and safety aspect, but also to insure that those with mobility issues can enter and leave the premises without hindrance. They are keen to rectify the perceived problem and are currently awaiting quotes from contractors to install automatic opening and closing doors.
Traffic Calming Measures: The Practice is becoming concerned by the number of complaints regarding excessive speed by drivers entering and leaving the Practice car park. Would all drivers please reduce their speed to something close to a walking pace when using the lane. This is a private drive with overgrown hedges; proper maintenance of the hedges together with a ‘SLOW’ or ‘STOP’ sign at appropriate points has been proposed. This will be discussed with the owner of the drive, together with a request to Staunton Parish Council that the Speed Indicator Device (SID) frequently sited just outside the Staunton Academy become a permanent fixture. Observations suggest that the SID does help slow traffic on the A417, so drivers accessing the surgery lane do not have to make a rapid dash in or out of the lane to avoid fast moving main road traffic.
Online Patient Access System. Some patients are still having difficulties using the online system for repeat prescriptions and appointments. The Practice is looking to move to a more efficient system in the near future, however, staff are aware of the difficulties and individuals should consult with reception staff who will do their best to help you.
Social Prescribing. Queries have been received on how to contact the Village Agent. The role of the Village Agent has been replaced by that of Social Prescribing and both our representative Sam Ferris and the service should be accessible online; however, it seems impossible to find, apparently because Sam is part-time. For now it is necessary to access the service through the Forest of Dean District Council Community Wellbeingwebsite ( or telephone them on 01594 812447. I have spoken with Community Wellbeing and they suggested they will endeavour to make it easier to find Social Prescribing online as it does still exist as a service and they will also send me posters detailing the service. I will circulate these on receipt.
Donald Peach on behalf of Staunton and Corse Patient Participation Group.
11. Finance
Financial Report: Payments & Receipts 27/04/19 – 25/06/19
Opening Balance Brought Forward from Last Reconciliation: £5,987.65
Payments in Period:
06/04/19 000838 Clerk’s April Salary £168.30
06/04/19 000839 Clerk’s April Expenses £30.90
06/05/19 000840 Clerk’s May Salary £183.20
06/05/19 000841 Clerk’s May Expenses £21.67
06/05/19 000842 GAPTC Fee £196.89
15/05/19 000843 Clerk Additional Work £50.00
25/05/19 000844 Insurance £257.60
06/06/19 000845 Clerk’s June Salary £176.10
06/06/19 000846 Clerk’s June Expenses £21.67
11/06/19 000847 2019/2020 Audit Fee £75.00
12/06/19 000848 Half Year Grass Cutting £80.00
TOTAL: £1,261.33
Receipts in Period:
Balance After All Payments & Receipts Are Accounted For: £4,726.32
Cheques/Receipts Not Presented in Period:
Balance After Accounting for Unpresented Entries: £4,726.32
Statement of Account
Balance in Lloyds TSB Account @ 25/06/19: £4,726.32
Unpresented Cheques Drawn Post Bank Statement:
03/07/19 000849 Chairmanship GAPTC Course £50.00
06/07/19 000850 Clerk’s July Expenses £21.67
06/07/19 000851 Clerk’s July Salary £176.10
06/07/19 000852 Purchase of Scanner £54.81
TOTAL: £302.58
Balance After ALL Payments Clear: £4,423.74
Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling and associated works (some matters reserved) – Pear Tree Cottage, Prince Crescent, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RF
Staunton Parish Council Comment - OBJECTION
Discharge of condition 08 (external facing materials) of planning permission P0532/18/FUL - Little Brierley Farm, Birchlas Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QT
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Discharge of Condition 06 (Timber boarding and steel roofing) of planning permission P1788/18/FUL– Hillview, Moat Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QG
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension with associated works - Willow Barn, Sladbrook Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QP
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of a single storey extension with associated work. Demolition of existing conservatory - 1 Lovett Close, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3RZ
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
Erection of extension to existing building to provide two units. (B1, B2 and B8 Use Class) -Staunton Court Business Park, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire
Staunton Parish Council Comment - BEING CIRCULATED
Erection of single storey annexe accommodation ancillary to main dwelling with associated works. Demolition of existing outbuilding -Ellis Farm, Sladbrook Lane, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QP
Staunton Parish Council Comment - BEING CIRCULATED
Discharge of conditions 03 (levels), 04 (construction method statement) and 05 (roof and facing materials) relating to planning appeal APP/P1615/W/3208068 (P1876/17/FUL) -Staunton Garden Centre, Ledbury Road, Staunton, Gloucestershire, GL19 3QA
Staunton Parish Council Comment - BEING CIRCULATED
Erection of a stable block with associated works – Sunrise, Old Pike, Staunton, Gloucestershire, Gl19 3QN
Staunton Parish Council Comment - NO OBJECTION
FoDDC Decision - REFUSED
13. Any Other Business
Cllr Allen explained the reason for purchasing the before-mentioned handheld scanner. This is to enable Staunton Parish Council to create an electronic archive of all minute books.
14. Public Participation
A number of Parishioners have queried rumours regarding the renovation of Johnstone Close. Staunton Parish Council will report any further relevant information as appropriate.
The meeting finished at 8:34pm
Signed: Date: