Annual General Meeting


Dear Councillors and all members of the community

You are hereby invited to attend the next Annual General Meeting which has been arranged for Tuesday 24th May 2023, at 7.30pm in the Annexe, at Corse and Staunton Village Hall.

Grace Millar

Clerk to Staunton Parish Council

Date: 18/5/23




1.     To elect a Chairman             


2.     Chairman to sign the Acceptance of Office.


3.     To elect a Vice-Chairman         


4.     Receive apologies                        


5.     Receive Declarations of Interest concerning agenda items


6.     Council to approve the following general policies for 2023/2024:

·      Standing Orders

·      Document Retention Policy

·      Privacy Policy

·      Risk Register


7.     Council to approve the following finance policies for 2023/2024:

·      Financial Regulations

·      Grants Awarding Policy

·      Asset Register

8.     Council to approve the following personnel policies for 2023/2024:

·      Code of Conduct

·      Training and Development Policy

·      Complaints Procedure

·      Planning Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

9.  Council to approve the following third party policies for 2023/2024:

·      Publication Scheme

·      Press/Media Policy

·      Subject Access Policy


10.  Councillor Delegation Arrangements:

Council to review and approve Councillor delegation arrangements for 2023/2024.


11.  Insurance:

To confirm the arrangements for insurance cover in 2023/2024.

12.  Subscriptions:

Council to review and approve any subscriptions for 2023/2024.


13.  Any Other Business & Public Participation        


14.  Conclusion


Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of its function: Equal opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), crime & disorder, health & safety & human rights.