Minutes of an extra ordinary meeting held Thursday 18th March 2021.
Venue: Grounds of the Swan Public House in Staunton
Time: 2:00pm
Present: Councillors; J. Millar, D. Williams, B. Allen, M. Fuller, D. Peach, A. Steele (Development Consultant), R. Chamberlayne (Owner of the Swan Public House), M Chamberlayne (Owner of the Swan Public House) and R. Chamberlayne (Owner of the Swan Public House).
*The meeting was conducted outside, socially distanced in a Covid -safe environment*
Alan Steele led the meeting with some plans for a residential development on this plot of ground and because of the need to ensure a distanced environment, the one copy was placed on the ground for Councillors to view at a distance.
He was asked if Councillors could have individual copies for the purpose of the meeting, but they were not available.
A complete set of these plans were given to the Parish Council and are going to be circulated to all Councillors, allowing them to comment on all aspects.
The feature that was discussed was a ‘lagoon area’ to the lower section of the plot adjacent to Nutshell Cottage, which has been the victim of severe flooding over many years, most recently on 23rd December 2020.
The proposed purpose of this area is for drainage of floodwater when the current ‘system is full’.
This was questioned by all Councillors in terms of:
· - Safety when full
· - Safety when empty
· - Visual design
· - Real need – if the existing land drainage from ditches, ponds and culverts were maintained regularly by the County Council, District Council and landowners.
More clarification is needed regarding this ‘feature’ which can be addressed after the plans have been circulated.
The discussion moved onto the use of the Swan in terms of its need in the community and its future with the possibility of some level of ‘ownership’ being given over to a group of interested parties within the villages.
It was noted that the Parish Council have been approached by many residents wanting to understand the future plans the Chamberlayne family have for the Swan.
Many suggestions were exchanged, and all agreed that a pub in the village is essential and all ideas for a flexible approach to its future should be considered.
Cllr Fuller (left 2.45pm) and Cllr Allen (left 3pm) had to leave the meeting for personal and work commitments.
It was concluded that the Parish Council would be happy to share any information we have with the owners regarding interested parties. The owners agreed to draft a letter asking for any residents who may be interested in a commitment to the future development of this community asset, to come forward for further discussions to take place.
This letter would be circulated via the Parish magazine, it was also agreed to place it on Staunton Parish Council’s website plus on local noticeboards.
The meeting ended at 3.15pm, with all parties agreeing to pass any further questions etc via Alan Steele.